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Third person pov.

Felix was out of his home or what he calls the cold four walls, he wasn't planning on coming out but when his hyungs told it was important he could not ignore it, they are in this stressful situation because of him. None of the two asked why he removed Errie they just let him be and helped him come out of this, he didn't want to take it for granted so he came out of his isolated place.

You all will be surprised to know where he was going, his heart was beating loud enough to have his legs stumble often.

He is going to hyunjin's home not to get him back, but to get some papers which hyunjin apparently took with him. He can't face Hyunjin after the fight he had with him.

He ringed the bell hoping hyunjin was in college and not home...he was lucky hyunjin was not home but unlucky because Hyunjin's mother was furious seeing him

"What the hell are you doing here? What more do you want you sadistic human?" She cursed with her trembling  voice, the voice breaking Felix's heart

"I'm ju-"

"Jinnie is not here so please go"

"Im here to take some papers that's all, I'm not here to bother you Aunty..I'm sorry" Felix bowed, he heard her scoff

"Do you even love my child Felix, all this while when your mom hurt my son I was there because deep down I knew when you comeback you will heal him all and love him because I was the only one who saw that sparkle between you both since kids but, you changed it all Lix, you hurt my son like never before you hurt his poor soul, his heart can't dare to love anyone anymore...You didn't heal my son you just broke him more" She said with tears streaming down as Felix's hands shook, he tried to wipe her tears away but she backed off

"Just take whatever you need and leave Felix don't even call me when you go, I can't seem to forgive you" She walked inside her home leaving Felix at the door step.

It had been so long since Felix visited hyunjin's home, he still remembers the room where hyunjin and he play together, his room, a small smile plastered on his lips s their childhood memories started filling his brain.

When he opened the door, the familiar scent of hyunjin took his all problems  away leaving him bask in the warmth of his now husband but later ex.

Felix walked inside and pushed the door close. His mind remembering all the time he played with him here.

"Bokkie please don't forget me" little Hyunjin's lips wobbled holding onto felix's tiny hands

"I'll never forget you hyunnie, I'll always  remember you my husband" Little Felix  tried to smile but hyunjin's teary eyes had him in tears too

"Yongbok come down we have to go" His mom shouted as hyunjin held him tight not letting him go

"I'll come back to you I promise" Felix promised as hyunjin slowly let him go.

Felix was walking opening the door before he came back and


"I'll come back and we can live together forever hyunnie, my husband" Felix said smiling as he sealed his promise with his lips on the other

"I'll wait for you bokkie" Hyunjin said softy before smiling

Felix finally opened the door and left to Australia as hyunjin still stood there with tears streaming down his soft cheeks


Felix was crying remembering their first long distance, time when they couldn't even talk to each other all they wished was to be together again without any problems.

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