A young woman thought she had a high school love but that was all quick to change once he moved them from the only place she knew. Adina receives news the same day an opportunity comes up and she can leave.
Can Adina find a safe place to live?
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Another day of sunshine. Always brightens the day and helps when out to make at least the first cheerful thing of the morning happen. Sometimes it is more like my night, depending on shifts I have been running.
Life as an EMT is on the go. Being single has made it to where I will take on more shifts a majority of the time too. Just to help others out that work within the station.
It is a knack I had found when going through the training to become a firefighter. As a small child I had thought that is what I wanted to do, be a firefighter. Then as a young adult I went through the steps to become one and in order too I had to go to EMT first and while in this schooling I found a love for this more.
"Yo? Drew." A hear my name being called out.
I turn and see Lumie walking up. "What's up? I hadn't seen you in a long while."
"I was over at the station four-ten to help out with some of the guys there out on vacation or sick leave." Lumie smiles then shakes my hand. "But now I am back and hearing that you need a new driver."
"Yeah, today is the last day for Casen."
"Retirement is going to be fun for him." Lumie nods.
Everyone here all gets along nicely and never have I heard about anyone having issues. Has made for the job to be a breeze without the work area drama.
"When do we set out then?" Lumie puts a bag on the seat of the open door to the ambulance.
"As soon as we get this checklist gone through. I have looked at the stock inside but if you need to get familiar with it all again here, I get it. Otherwise just checking tire pressure and such."
"I got that, it is part of my area to check off." Lumie takes the tire gauge from my hand. "Things weren't change at the other station on the back supplies so I am good there."
I nod and then look through my bag that I set in the back by the gurney just to make sure I have everything once again. Something that helps double checking because don't need to be in the field and not have what is needed in any emergency.
"That is all done. Now to just wait for a call." Lumie smirks after coming from washing his hands from the vehicle check.
Lumie and I go over to help others with checks and then sit in the large open room. I catch sight of others walking out from the locker room area and they look beat.
"How bad was last night?" Casen looks over to the group and they grimace.
"We had call after call with the holiday. You know how things happen." Rego sighs with a grimace.
They all call out for a happy retirement for Casen before leaving out to go home and rest after their shifts. Casen will be the one to dispatch calls as it is a treat to do for him as a retirement gift from the one over charge of all of us. Not sure if I will be here or not but they are planning a lunch party for him too which is kind.
"Drew." I hear Mom call out and I turn my head to see her walk in from the office area.
I stand and walk over to her. "Good morning. Wasn't expecting you to stop by."
She hugs me with one arm. "I figured I would bring these by." She holds out a container of muffins.
"Ah, a person after my stomach and heart." Casen calls out making Mom laugh.
"These will not last long here." I smile and take one before placing them on the table as the others make it out to seem like hungry wolves. I see as Casen moves into the dispatch area and know that he is gearing up to start patching us out as calls come in.
"They never do. Which is why if I don't take them to the homeless shelter they come here." Mom smiles wide. "The shelter is closed today and I didn't see any people walking around to hand them out too, so here it is."
"Thank you." I smile and Mom hugs me once more. "You be careful today."
"Aren't I always." I smile and Mom shakes her head.
"Yes you are." Mom smiles and pats my cheek as she always had at times while I was growing up. "Now I am off, I am sure that your Dad and brother, Eager, has already got to baking at the shop."
Mom leaves and the guys are digging into the muffins. I eat mine and sit back down in a chair.
My younger brother took after Mom and Dad in the love for baking things, so he works with them there at their shop. At least Mom and Dad does have help since he works there and his long term girlfriend has too working the front area. Then my older brother seems to do his own thing while still coming around when not with his hurdle of women. So I am the middle child at the age twenty-three, with Eager being eighteen and fresh from highschool, then our older brother Fred being twenty-five.
Not long ago, I went to visit Fred. What a wild night that turned out to be but the best night of my life.
One by one vehicles are being dispatched and I watch while others talk around me as the rest of us wait our turn.
"I don't know about that." Lumie speaks up when someone was asking about if anyone got a gift for Casen.
"There is a package they plan to give him it has some sort of phrasing on it last I heard yesterday." I reply having a little of the answer.
"Reggie you know we always do something nice for our retires." Penny walks in and fills her cup of coffee before answering any emergency calls.
Before I know it Lumie and I are called out to assist with any medical care needed with a house fire several streets over. The day has officially begun.
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