A young woman thought she had a high school love but that was all quick to change once he moved them from the only place she knew. Adina receives news the same day an opportunity comes up and she can leave.
Can Adina find a safe place to live?
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The holidays have come and gone all with laughter and happiness surrounding us. We now are two weeks away from little Henail's due date.
Today we have another check up and I get to go as I am off work today. Thankful for it too since we just were able to go pick up our stock order from the local merchants in town rather than having to go into the city.
A very large stock in buying due the market having a contract with the city stores, plus the local farmers have done fresh processing on meats. Our order got out late, but the weather has been nice still so we didn't mind the waiting period before we could buy the meats. It will last a long time and it's a great way to make sure to give back to the local community too by buying from the locals around.
"You know we need to stop by the other place after the appointment to get our pork products." Adina's voice comes up from behind me.
"Yes, Little Deer, I remember." I smile and pull out a small container of juice for her. "Are you ready to go?"
She laughs and pats my chest while sipping on the juice. "You are an eager one, we don't leave for an hour yet and that would still get us there well before the appointment time."
I sigh.
"I am excited too since this visit will tell us how things look on when he could be born."
I kiss her lips and she hums. "My favorite taste is you."
I chuckle and then move to pull laundry from the dryer.
Adina frowns when I stand up and look at her with the basket. "I really don't like you banned me from doing the laundry."
"I didn't ban you just kept asking for you not to bend unnecessarily and you finally listened."
Adina smiles wide. "Good let me fold those then."
I smirk when her smile falls slightly with my head shake. "You're not folding this, I am."
"You have been running yourself ragged and I don't do anymore than I know I can handle or if it hurts I stop. I'm pregnant, not dying with some horrible illness making me incapable of doing the basic things around here when I have more days off then you currently." She sasses with her hands on her hips.
"And I do what I do because even though you are more than capable of doing things, I don't want you over exerting yourself when I can pamper you."
She melts in my arms as I had placed the basket on the table. "I am fat enough and exercise is good for the baby and me."
"You get that by walking and the things you still do daily. You're not fat and I rather not hear you downgrade yourself like that." I smile and kiss her lips. "You're not winning this one."
"You play dirty." She huffs but kisses me again.
"Didn't you know my persuasion skills are up to par?"
She hums and smirks against my lips as I take her backwards to the couch. I bypass the couch and to the loveseat since I know one other dirty secert that has came up within the last couple weeks as her bump has truly grown in size. Once we get to the furniture, I slowly guide her down and as her back comes in contact with it her lips pull away from mine, making me smirk.
"I won." I laugh as I take off to the kitchen to grab the juice container she placed down. I hand it to her as her arms are crossed over her breast.
"You truly do play dirty." She mumbles and takes the container.
"You're stuck now so I am going to fold the laundry and get it put up." I laugh when she glares because it is harmless as a little deer is but can't move from that furniture without help.
It doesn't take me long to do up feeling her eyes glaring on me the entire time, so for a little show I strip my shirt off since I plan to change anyways before the appointment. Her huff makes me smirk but I am quick to get things tended too, just so it isn't to mean of me.
Before we know it we are at the appointment waiting to be called back.
"Maxwell." Finally Adina's names been called.
I follow in behind and take her coat and bag while she gets her vitals done. Plus, I watch as she waddles behind the nurse to the room. Lately she has gotten to where walking normal is not a option for now as the baby has grown more each passing week. Even our time in the bed has changed as it has to be her on top, on our sides, or on her hands and knees which is all still fun especially with the added hormones she is a hungry lion and not my shy little deer.
The tech does a quick ultrasound and sees things are still on track. We wait for the doctor and my leg bounces in the chair.
"Hey you two." The doctor comes in and then does some examines herself before we sit back in the room to just talk now. "So with looking over the scan, I think we are still on course for delivery being another two weeks away. The baby hasn't even dropped yet."
"Does that factor in with how soon the baby could come?" Adina asks and I stand up to hold her hand.
"It can but not always sometimes baby don't drop until right at delivery. After this check though you're not even dilated and have no signs of it. Are you having any of the practice contractions we spoke about before?" The doctor asks.
"Maybe?" Adina's brows furrow. "There has been some tightening but it isn't painful."
"Probably still those but depending on pain tolerance too as to how it feels from person to person. I will see you back here right before your due date then in two weeks."
We get in the truck and I give Adina's hand a kiss while we look over the pictures once again. "Ready to go to the store?" I ask after she gets her seatbelt on.
"Yes but could we stop for some food? I am starving."
"Of course." I smile and put the truck in drive since I had it running already once we got in.
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