11. Headache

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"It is not just a concussion, Jackson

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"It is not just a concussion, Jackson. You fractured your skull." I huff as I sit up a little more in the chair after a mini staring contest with Drew, actually eye oggling.

"Same thing." Jackson shrugs and my mouth drops open.

"No it isn't!" My voice goes up a couple pitches and I feel bad instantly when he winces. "Sorry." I whisper.

"It's okay, just a headache." He tries to smile through what I am sure is quite a bit of pain. Always like Jackson to play things off if something is bothering him.

It all started when he came over yesterday and said that the roof to his house has a small leak he noticed after the rain. Nobody could come out to fix it before the next rain was predicted to fall so since he knew somehow to fix it, so he decided to do it himself.

I am not mad he wanted to do it himself, but he was supposed to wait for me to where I could watch the ladder for safety. Instead, I get a phone call while at work from him here at the hospital that he had fell off the ladder when the wind picked up randomly. The storm was moving in faster than original while calling for stronger intensity, which he hadn't checked the weather at all prior to getting on the ladder.

"She is right concussions and skull fractures are different." Drew spoke up and looked over to Jackson. "They just want to make sure you are okay during the window of importance before letting you go. I know the last thing your sister wants is to find you are worse if you don't heed medical advice."

Jackson relaxes back on the bed. "You're right." He grumbles then pouts. "Could at least use something to entertain myself with still. She won't let me have my phone."

I smile wide when Jackson points to me. "Because would you take it easy or work from your phone?"

"No comment." Jackson smiles and then sighs a bit dramatically. "I will not do any work, strictly relaxing."

I narrow my eyes at him and hand his phone over from my purse. "No work."

"Yes sis got it." He smirks then places it down since there is still company here.

I stand from the chair. "I will let you three talk while I go find something for dinner."

Jackson looks over and then his eyes widen. "You haven't ate lunch today."

"It's fine." I smile and then give him a quick hug. "Do you want anything?"

"It is not fine at all because." He stops then clears his throat. "No, I am not very hungry honestly. The nurse said they would have a light tray brought in for dinner."

"The food here is actually really good." Lumie states, I barely remember him introducing himself from when I was checking out Drew.

I knew he was handsome but in uniform does even more things to me. Confusion sets in me as I fight my brain and body. My body surely calls to him and not just sexually but he always has a calming feel about him. My brain fights because I am close to being out of my first trimester and need to focus on the baby and not me.

Isn't it weird too how you just tend to know if someone could be a good person or not? Especially how you can just get a vibe from others and instantly know they aren't your type or would be annoying. Only downfall is my vibe meter must be broken since I made the wrong choice with Bradus, but then again he just changed instantly too.

"I will be back in a bit." I smile at Jackson then turn to the others. "It was nice of you to stop by and check on him. I would like to say thank you for helping him today."

I step around the curtain and out of the glass doors.

"Excuse me?" I get the nurse's attention.

"Hi. What can I help you with? Is your brother okay?"

"He is good. I was wondering if you could tell me where the food court may be?"

"Of course." She smiles then tells me how to get there.

I wave and make way to the elevator. Still gets me how everyone is here, just the simple manners is vastly different since the city I lived in never had that. Definitely qualities I am enjoying being here.

"Wait up!" I hear behind me as I am walking down a long corridor once off the elevator. Turning, I see Drew coming out of a side that stated stairs.

Could he really get any hotter? Stairs rather than the elevator, seems a bit of a difference but it is how fast he came down the stairs is what gets me.

"Hi." He smiles when he reaches me.

"Hi?" I can't help but smile and laugh lightly.

"It is funny we have met up unexpectedly twice now within less than a week." He states and I can see the slightly hint of pink in his cheeks. How cute.

"Technically it would be three times, no?" I smile and tease.

Tease? Tease! What is wrong with me?

"True, although I sort of ran into you the first time." He nods.

"I thought you worked at the bakery but a shock to see you in a EMT uniform as well. You seem pretty busy." I change the subject slightly but truly am curious on it all.

Drew nods. "That is my parents bakery, I will help them out on my days off since there isn't much else to do."

"That's sweet." I give a soft smile.

"How did you like the food?"

"Oh my goodness, they were all so delicious there is no way in the galaxy I could pick a favorite out." My mouth literally wants to water at the thought of it all and I am not ashamed to say the box is empty by the next night.

Drew chuckles and it makes me smile wide.

"So I was wondering." He starts then stops walking.

I hadn't even realize our feet was moving towards the food court. "Yes?" I ask him since he paused.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?"

My mind blanks and my heart speeds up.

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