18. Floating

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Floating. It is like floating through life right now.

That is how it almost has been feeling like since my date with Drew. Happiness is so bland to be used as it feels like more. Drew was so thoughtful and to see him seemingly nervous did help mine as well.

Next up, I told Drew I would plan a date for us. Took some taking for him to agree but through text and phone calls he finally relented. So that is coming up tomorrow.

One week has passed since our first date. Since then we will text or call each other when there is a chance. Drew has been busy working and when he had a day off, I didn't with it being the middle of the week. Every night he will call, even if working between calls just to make sure I have ate which is sweet he has done so.

However, I am off today and little bean is demanding sweets. Sounds like a good reason to go into town to get something from Drew's parents bakery. Could pat myself on the back since I have not ate anything sweet in two days which is also feeling to long. Hardest thing is not giving into the cravings but I may just go insane if I fight the urge any longer not have some sort of sweet goodness.

"Hey!" The lady smiles at the counter and I remember as Margot, she dates Drews younger brother from what he had told me.

"Hello." I smile and wave. "You're not busy in here."

She laughs. "That is because the crowd comes right after lunch ends and you are in the between times for lunch and dinner."

"It is beautiful in here." I smile once I look around properly.

"Evelin had it remodeled a couple years ago." Margot smiles. "Wait." She tilts her head and frowns before smiling wide. "You are the one Drew brought in last week?"

I smile. "Adina."

"Drew is the sweetest and everyone is so happy to see him bring his date in here."

I can't help as my cheek start to heat up lightly.

"What can I get you?" She smiles and motions to the display cases.

"Could I get the variety box again? I'm honestly and not picky at all as everything has been delicious."

"Sure thing." She grabs a box and places different pieces of bliss into it. I watch as a brownie with frosting goes in along with, three truffles, a couple of oreo balls, cake pop, a scone all go in.

I pay the total as she ties the box with a string after closing the lid.

"Hope you enjoy them all." She smiles.

"I most definitely will and will be back in soon." I smile and wave.

The way home is quick and I get out of my car as Jackson steps out of his house. I wave and he walks over as I get the front door unlocked.

"What do you got there?" Jackson points.

"An current obsession." I smile and walk through my door. With a drop of my keys in a fake crystal looking bowl on the table off to the side by the wall as the room opens up, with my little deer stuffed animal on the table with the bowl, lamp and nothing else.

"It smells good."

"They are different little dessert treats from the bakery in town. Drew's parents own it but I have had it twice before now."

"Cool." Jackson nods and I take the box to the kitchen counter.

I open the box and take the oreo ball out. Not sure what they do to them but I can't really taste the cream cheese, which is beneficial for the dessert.

"When is your next date?" Jackson smirks and raises an eyebrow.

"Tomorrow night." I smile.

"I am happy for you." Jackson nods and then declines the cake pop I was going to let him have. "I am not about to take from a pregnant woman with a craving."

I give him a deadpan look and hand it to him. "You can when I give it too you and besides I can go get more but I got plenty if you can tell."

"Not like I couldn't have went and got my own either." Jackson shrugs.

"What are you up too? You are normally not so la-di-da. Fiesty in a way."

"Don't laugh please." Jackson sighs.

"No promises." I state as he gives me a narrowed eye look and I shrug.

Jackson sighs and rubs his hands down his face. "I am struggling with how to ask Sephia on a date."

"Ha! I knew you weren't just bringing me lunch yesterday."

Jackson gives me a sheepish smile. "Well I was originally as I already knew you didn't have one from where I had been texting Sephia."

"How long have you had her number?" I tilt my head and take a bite from the brownie next.

"The night you had your first date with Drew. I couldn't drive and embrassingly I burned the frozen pizza I had because I fell asleep so I ordered take out, which she was with the driver."

"I remember her saying she was doing that some."

Jackson nods. "Things took off from there and we been texting just about daily since."

"Just ask her out." I shake my head with a smile. "You have done it before to others."

"But others had ended up in failed relationships." Jackson sighs.

"Because they were petty witches, Jackson. Sephia isn't like any of the other dates you have had." I shrug.

"That simple?"

"Why not?" I shrug. "I know she likes you from when you came in before, plus yesterday, and would be very happy to get asked by you. For once just do something simple by asking nicely then make the date special."

Jackson nods and I smile wide as I see him in deep thought.

Now my mind goes on making sure everything will be good for my date with Drew tomorrow night. Before I know it, I've done ate all the sweet treats and I could honestly pout. With a sigh, I get started on making some dinner as Jackson had left a little bit ago.

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