9. Tears

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A/N-- 🛑
Trigger! Mentions of abuse within this chapter.

A/N-- 🛑Trigger! Mentions of abuse within this chapter

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"That right there is the baby's heartbeat." The tech points out as she has been scanning and getting measurements.

My heart burst seeing the heartbeat. It makes things even more real. Sounds crazy but the first scan I didn't get to see just got the picture but now to actually see the baby inside me has me feeling all sorts of things. Part of me is thinking this should have hit harder weeks ago but to see the baby with my own eyes in real time and see a biggger bean than the picture I got has me beyond words.

The scan ends and then I am took to another room where I wait for the doctor. It doesn't take long before she walks in and shakes my hand with greetings.

"Is this your first pregnancy?"

"Yes." I reply and she goes through other questions.

"Your scan shows to be eleven weeks so it still matches the documents you brought in. Baby is growing perfectly and has a strong heartbeat. You are looking to be due around the ninth of Janurary."

"Around?" I tilt my head.

"Yes around. The ninth is the exact date of the forty weeks but it is rare for a baby to come on the due date most of the times. Babies can come a week before or a week after that but can still vary really. I don't like giving hope that is on a specific day when a baby will be born since it is their timing and sometimes when medical timing if there are complications." She smiles.

I nod slowly.

"Also I see here you had a injury when finding out about your pregnancy?" She looks through the emergency room documents I gave them from what I had that day getting discharged.

I nod and go over my past with her. She listens and nods slowly. "Please know we are here to help in any way you need us too. You are a strong woman and never forget that."

"Thank you."

"I will see you next month unless you need us before then." She smiles and I leave the office with the next appointment.

I walk out of the office and make way to my car. With the evening weather so nice, I go down to a pond and get out just to walk down a path to a sitting bench.

My thoughts seem to swim in different directions, similiar to the fish in the pond that can be seen through the clear water. I take a slow deep breath as I take it all in.

Once I start to get a little chilled from the wind, I get back in the car and go into the part of town that is close to my house, I stop in the grocery store.

I place the groceries in my car and close the trunk, turning around to take the cart back to the store. A small shop catches my eye and something in me says to go there now. A sweet tooth may be developing and I have no issue with indugling some.

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