24. Love

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The heat here has gotten stifling

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The heat here has gotten stifling. This boot on my leg is what gets me through the heat because it makes the skin sweat in that area as I can't remove it yet since it has only been four weeks. It only comes off in showers, which have consisted of me using this chair during it since my stomach has now popped and makes me unstable trying not to stand on the ankle.

Little bean is showing more and more each day. I've been feeling little flutters and I might have felt a small kick the other day while working but I wasn't sure. It is something I have been waiting for since it can happen at any point now with me being almost eighteen weeks, but being first time pregnant the doctor said it could be as long as twenty weeks before I feel an actual kick, but baby bean is healthy and that is what matters to me. Plus can't wait for the next ultrasound to maybe find out the gender of the baby.

Onto the happier things though, Drew has been with me just about anytime he is off work or goes home to sleep. We have grown so very close since our second date and have been on others but they were mainly food and then something where I could sit, since he doesn't want me walking to much but this boot does make it a bit harder getting around at times.

Even my last appointment he was with me since he drove me.

Being in this town has been the best thing ever. Even Jackson is happy, as him and Sephia have been dating.

"Adina?" I hear my name as I stir the pot in front of me.

"Kitchen." I call out as the front door closes.

"The door wasn't locked." He states as I hear his feet move towards me.

"I knew you would be here any minute." I turn and smile at him.

"What are you doing?"

"Cooking." I deadpan with a sweet smile.

"You are not supposed to do any heavy work." He sighs and frowns.

"There is no heavy lifting and besides you have been running yourself tired."

"But I like taking care of you."

"I appreciate that but this is something I wanted to do for us. All the sitting and not doing anything drives me crazy." I sigh as he walks over and hugs me before giving me a tender kiss.

My body heats up as my core dampens instantly. The throbbing sensation driving me to pull him closer.

Sadly he pulls away much sooner than I want. Everything in me is screaming to have him fill me full. It is a step I feel ready to take with Drew too. My feelings for him are strong as love can get.

"Uh, what is that?" He looks in the pot.

"Bean soup. Then in the oven I got freshly made bread from scratch."

"Can't say I have ever had any of that. What is in bean soup?"

"White beans, celery, carrots, some bacon, chicken broth and cheese."

Drew hums and closes his eyes. "I'm starving now after hearing that."

I smile and grab the oven mit. "Grab some bowls while I will get the bread out and slice it."

"You got it. The bread smells different." Drew looks over and then scrunches his face up. "Looks weird too."

"I am not known to make things look pretty but it tastes good." I laugh and he joins. "It is a Italian bread."

With the bread out of the pan and on the counter top, I put some soup in our bowls. Bread is so good when warm from the oven still and the knife slices through with ease, as I grab a piece to place on the side.

"Adina this is so good."

I smile as I eat on the food. It has felt good to cook today and something I have missed doing. Drew's cooking has been so delicious as well but I just enjoy cooking.

After we both eat, I help place things in the dishwasher and put the leftovers away. Drew joins me on the couch, it has become our thing to watch the mystery shows together in the evening if he isn't working before he goes home to his apartment to sleep.


"Yes, little deer?"

"Do you want to move in with me?"

His head turns over to me and his eyes widen.

"Well I am only asking because we are a couple. The only things you use the apartment for is to shower and sleep, otherwise we have always been together. I mean unless you are only doing this until I heal completely?"

"I'm not only doing this because your hurt. Maybe I have taken advantage because I enjoy taking care of you and you being hurt gave me the chance in doing so. When I am not here and even have a moment between work that is calm all I think of is you. You take up every inch of my mind, Adina."

"I love you Drew." I interrupted him without a single thought.

He smiles so wide and kisses me.

When he pulls back his smile is the same. "I was just about to say the same, little deer. I love you so incredibly much. I will move in with you."

Our smiles mirror each others. Lips come together once again and his hands move down to my waist as I move and go to straddle him, but he stops me.

"I don't want to hurt the baby."

"You won't." I smile and then kiss him again as he lets me straddle him this time.

His hands move as one cups my cheek and the other on my hip. My hands have wrapped around his neck, while my fingers hold into his hair at the back of his neck.

"Take me to bed?" I get out between kisses.

Drew looks at me. "Are you sure?"

"Completely. Please, I want to be with you Drew. Let me show you how much I love you in every way possible."

His hands slide to my thighs and he stands with me. Our lips meet once more, as I trail kisses down his jaw to his neck.

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