A young woman thought she had a high school love but that was all quick to change once he moved them from the only place she knew. Adina receives news the same day an opportunity comes up and she can leave.
Can Adina find a safe place to live?
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"Actually, could you point me to where the sign is that tells where the doctor offices are located?" She looks back to me after clearing her throat.
"Right over there on the opposite wall, in between the restrooms." I smile and point towards where it is located.
A flaw with this large medical building they need a better sign in place or enlarged over the wall there. Guess they figure in between the bathrooms are good place but not everyone using public restrooms either.
She turns her head and nods. "Thank you."
"Actually, if you let me know where you are headed I could point you in the right direction." I offer then want to kick myself in the behind.
Not just everybody is okay with others and especially a stranger knowing what doctors clinic they are going too.
"Uh." She bites her lip and my eyes instantly hone in to her teeth, while other parts get excited for the first time in a bit by that motion.
She is mesmerizing to look at. Seems so delicate and so small.
The part that bothers me the most is the slight fear I seen her eyes as I stopped her from falling. It is almost like my touch that she was fearful of and not falling. I'm not sure if she even realized it because it was there then gone as she was checking me out. An instant response she could calm under my touch too though once she actually looked at me. Her entire body language went from up tight to just calm as she checked me out. Not going to lie either, I actually liked her checking me out as I didn't get creeped out like normal when others have done the same.
"I am sorry. I know that may not be something you want to disclose where you are going too."
She tilts her head and frowns lightly. "That is the second time you have apologized. It is different to hear a man apologize." Then she claps a hand over her mouth. "I am so incredibly sorry, that was rude. Forget I said anything. Thank you for pointing out the board."
"I didn't take that as rude." I shake my head in confusion.
"Well thank you." She smiles, which seems to make the clouds move and the sun shine through.
Another shocking thought. I am full of surprising myself today.
She goes to turn around then frowns and looks back to me as she plays with the strap to her bag. "Could you maybe point to the womens clinic?"
"Fourth floor, take the hall to your right and it is the first door on the left."
She laughs lightly. "You really do know the building."
I chuckle and nod. "I have been in quite a bit having grew up here it is all the main doctors offices in this building. The hospital is also half a mile down the road."
She smiles. "Thank you."
"Anytime. Have a nice day." I smile with a nod.
"Have a nice day." She says back with a shy smile then turns and walks to the elevator.
I walk out of the building once she is in the elevator and the doors closed. My eyes didn't want to stop looking at her and my legs refused to move until knowing she was good and didn't need more help by lucky chance I could hear her voice again.
Finally getting in my truck, I make way to my parents bakery. Walking in I am hit with many smells and can't help but want to moan while swallowing down the drool.
"Hey son." Dad walks out from the back.
"If you want some of the scones then go see your Mom in the back." Dad smiles as I move towards the back of the shop.
"Which ones are today's flavors?"
"You will see." Dad laughs.
I open the door and Eager is at the counter working on icing brownies. I want one of those too.
"Didn't expect to see you in today." Mom looks up smiling at me.
"I had to do some routine physical checks so had the day off."
"Yeah seems funny sometimes seeing you without your uniform." Eager teases.
"Ha. Ha. You seen me plenty without it because when I don't work I am here helping or coming in to see what Mom and Dad need or even you."
"Yeah. Yeah. You have fun I got to get back to these brownies or else Margot may get my behind since it is an order that was placed."
There goes me getting one of those pieces of sweetness. Can't blame me for wanting it though with the brownie looking soft baked then the pecan caramel topping Eager is putting on the top has my mouth watering.
"Scones are over here." Mom laughs. "I swear you can be a swiper."
"You got my attention." I smile.
"Here are two different types. You tell me if you like either as they are new for Christmas this year."
"A little early to be testing flavors out." I state.
"Never! I got to get them perfect first so I need months in advance." Mom's eyes widen and I simply take the plate to calm her. "Now that first one is a cranberry and white chocolate scone, then that second one is a raspberry fig."
I smell them and nervous about trying them. I take a bite of each but the one doesn't sit well with me. "They are good the first one I really like, but that second one isn't my flavor."
Mom hums. "Maybe the fig is too much? No mind then, I will work with the raspberry and see what else goes with it to be a christmas type flavor."
"I got Thanksgiving already figured out!" Mom looks back to me.
"Let me guess pumpkin spice flavors?"
"Some yes. Others involve candied sweet potato and cranberry flavors."
I move my head side to side. "Sound good but I will take your word for that and try some soon."
"Mom has a head start doesn't she?" Eager speaks up when I get back over around him.
"Yes, since we are only in August currently." I nod.
"So want to help here or you got something else happening for the day?" Dad asks when walking back in. "Margot is wondering how those brownies are coming Eager, she said they will be here to pick up in an hour."
"Putting them in the boxes now." Eager nods.
"I will help out here with cleaning the bowls and utensils used or I can go work on anything else you may need." I shrug. "Looks like you guys got the baking under control."
"I do need a couple of our chairs took to the dump since they are broken and the new ones put together for out front I was going to do once we closed today." Dad replies.
"Got those." I smile and get to work.
The entire time I had to read the instructions twice because that brown head beauty keeps popping into my mind. It baffles me to have such an immediate attraction to her. Could kick myself for at least not getting her name.
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