A young woman thought she had a high school love but that was all quick to change once he moved them from the only place she knew. Adina receives news the same day an opportunity comes up and she can leave.
Can Adina find a safe place to live?
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Waking up I feel the urge to use the restroom, I get out of bed but it takes me a few minutes. Baby boy is very calm since he normally would be kicking but figure he is sleeping all snug in the uterus.
After putting on some clothes from the overly long shirt I wore for my pajamas last night, I move to start making some eggs and bacon. Just as I get it done, the lights cut off.
"Great." I huff and walk my aching back to the laundry room once I listen and the generator doesn't kick on properly.
So knowing I need to flip the switch on for it, I make my way out and flip the switch. I look over to the wood but know I don't need to be lifting it. I grimace as my back ache grows very intense until a tighter knot forms around my midsection. I rub over my bump then a small slosh sounds at my feet. I move back and see is resembles water as my white pants are just simply wet.
I go to walk to wake Drew but a pain racks through me a moment later making me groan no matter how hard I try to keep it in.
With a deep breath, I stand back up right and there in front of me standing me husband.
In shock. Wide eyes and mouth open. Honestly, I am not sure if he is even breathing.
He jerks and his head shakes. "No."
"No? What no?"
"This can not be happening." His eyes look to the bump to my pants to the floor. "Please tell me you simply wizzed on yourself. Matter of fact, I am begging you to tell me that is what this is."
"I didn't pee myself."
"No." He goes rigid and wide eyes once more.
"Drew, snap out of it please."
No response this time. I wait and count in my mind until I reach two hundred and forty seconds making it to be four minutes of staring at him while he seems frozen.
I could almost laugh that my EMT husband has went to full on panic mode. That doesn't happen though as another contraction starts up again, trying to breathe through it, I can still focus on counting through the pain which is helping me as they also pass by very quick.
"Drew." I breath easier and he hasn't moved.
No answer or movement.
What do you do when someone freezes? No clue but I got one method that pops to mind.
"Drew!" I get to him and grab his hand in mine.
"What are we going to do? The doctor literally just said we were no where near delivering the baby. I have never delivered a baby before! I had one course. One course and that was when I was getting my degree. I can't deliver a baby when I spent maybe thirty minutes on the topic five years ago."
"Drew." I smile as his hands go to my bump and kneeled down in front of me. "You need to breathe."
He stands up quickly and it makes me dizzy following his fast movements. Drew grabs my arms. "Come on let's sit you down."
"I need to change clothes first, this isn't comfortable being wet there. The last contraction I could feel it drip more too."
Drew rambles on about this and then I hear about how much snow we got last night.
"What are we going to do?" I ask and another contraction hits right as I am pulling up clean pants.
A hand massages my back and it helps as the pain in my back ebbs away and I just focus on the squeezing around my midsection.
"Thank you." I breathe once the contraction ends which is rather quickly again.
Drew asks and I tell him what happened and how many pains I had. Just the very little basics I know since I woke up. He pulls out a book from under our bed where he has them stored in a box from what he has kept getting his degree and through the times he has had to restudy and test as they are required to do.
"So I figure it is still early stages since the contractions are different times apart and not lasting long." Drew rubs his head as he thinks over everything I tell him. "I am going to call Captain and then Lumie. Lumie has actually delivered a baby once from that I know of before we got to work together."
I watch as he grabs his phone and makes the calls. Drew paces back and forth while talking. I move to the living room and start to fold a blanket that we used last night while watching televison. Another contraction hits and as it starts so does my back making my groan.
Time passes and I move between walking and sitting on the chair at the table since I can get up from it the easiest. We slowly eat the breakfast I made before this all started, but I stop when nausea sets in. The contractions keep coming but at variable times but has started lasting longer. Drew mentioned that Lumie and the Captain are trying to get here but it is unclear how they will since there is so much snow. With a glance at the clock I can see it has been about four hours since he had called them and time is weird how it goes while in labor.
"How are you doing?" Drew brings me a glass of water and sits in front of me.
I let out a slow breath. "I am okay when the contractions are over. Kind of feeling a bit dizzy at times and I been breathing."
"You are looking a little reddened." He mumbles and gets up then comes back a moment later. "I can't do much but let me check your blood pressure."
He does his thing and just as he releases the pressure from the cuff a contraction racks through my body once more. This one takes my breath but I force myself to breathe through it.
Just as it ends, I hear Drew's gentle voice but my head spins as spots fill my vision.
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