A young woman thought she had a high school love but that was all quick to change once he moved them from the only place she knew. Adina receives news the same day an opportunity comes up and she can leave.
Can Adina find a safe place to live?
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For three weeks there has been a peace in my life that I haven't had in months. This town just feels right.
Today though, I get to go in for my first appointment with baby bean. So I am just a tad bit nervous. One good note is that my boot got to come off when the emergency room doctor said it could and was sore for a couple days but wasn't painful so I hadn't followed up with any doctor here on that part and the bruising has gone away that I hide behind the long sleeve shirts.
In these last three weeks, I have bought some new clothes that I want and like. Also Jackson helped me to pick out a car, which I am thankful for the help. I only know the basics, how to change a tire and check fluid levels then if it starts and runs smoothly, but Jackson knew how to look for things so I just pointed out cars I liked the looks of.
I have started a job at the local groomers and absolutely love it even better than where I worked before. Everyone here is so nice. Even when the clients may sing us a song if they get displeased with their baths but they always leave happy. Take that back some of the cats down right hate being groomed but they love the cuddle time while getting dry.
Living alone has been an adjustment for me since it is the very first time ever in my life. I know my big brother is next door but we don't speak everyday as I work and he found a job in his career path with computers. The silence is what gets me sometimes but I have gotten to where I will leave the television on something random, but have found a love for random shows that I didn't think I would.
My house has come together nicely as over time I have bought little knick knacks here and there for decoration. Other than pictures I had on my old phone that I got printed from when I was smaller with my parents and Jackson.
"Come on now." I coo at the maine coon that is hissing up a storm.
"Oh that fellow there is a fighter." My boss walks up and I see her smile. "I can bathe him if you want me too."
"I'd like to try. Sometimes they just need to warm up to others."
She smiles. "I like your outlook on the fur babies."
"Tadana?" Sephia walks in with a slip of paper. "There is a woman wondering if we could trim her huskies nails today?"
"Sure I will come out and get that done for her." Tadana smiles then pats my back lightly. "Let me know if you need help."
"I will, thank you." I smile at my boss.
"Aw. Little Russ having a bad day?" Sephia smiles at the maine coon. "Little tip for this little guy, give him a couple nibbles from the cat treat in salmon flavor and he will love you forever."
"Thank you." I close the door to his little crate then get a couple pieces of the treat before walking back to him. I slowly open the door and he sniffs my hand before taking the treats.
"We normally don't give treats until the end but that is how I got him to let me bathe him. As where Tadana just has the talent to calm him once she talks him out of the crate." Sephia laughs lightly.
I pick up the cat and move him over to the appropriate sink to start his bathing. After washing down, I gently work through his knots and then dry him with a spray of cat safe perfume which leaves him softer than before.
"Look at that." Tadana smiles. "You are off for the day right?"
I look at the clock and nod. "Yes I was needing to leave within another ten minutes."
"You are free to go and great work today. I am glad to have you here because your talent is rare with all the animals we get here."
"Thank you for hiring me."
"We all need to start fresh sometimes." Tadana pats my hand and smiles. Sometimes when looking at her you can see her wrinkles that are there but still hidden as she has aged beautifully, it is hard to tell that she is a little over sixty most of the time.
I nod and swallow as I place Russ back in his crate for his owner to pick him up within an hours time.
"You speak from experience?" I can't help but ask Tadana.
She hums and then I turn to see her nod. "Yes, I moved here about forty years ago now. Felt right and everyone here has always been so welcoming even as the town has grown since then. I wasn't sure what I was going to do but I found love and just stayed here."
I smile and look down as I grab my bag. "That is so good you found that."
"It is something I see happening for you my dear. Everyone deserves love."
"I don't know if that is my future but I am okay with that."
"I may not know your story that brought you here but I am glad you are. Give it some time. Now off you go and I would love to know how the little tike is doing."
I do a double take as I hadn't told anyone about the baby other than Jackson.
"This older woman knows, call it a gift even if I don't have kids of my own due to injuries I received before coming here, I tend to know when one is with child. Plus, lately midmorning you have been running to the bathroom the last week." Tadana winks at me.
"Yeah, little morning sickness hits midmorning but it is gone as quick as it comes." I give a shy smile.
Tadana gives me a hug and I can't help how my eyes slightly burn for a moment before I blink back the tears. Hormones, I swear. It almost feels like talking to a grandmother sometimes with Tadana, as she is so soft and caring but has a way to make people open up to her too and it is something I find I truly like.
Making my way to the address provided by the clinic, I see it is a huge medical building. Literally it just states Medical Offices.
Great! So where do I go is the major part I have to figure out. With a sigh, I walk through the doors and it is a large open space with no one around.
Looking on the walls for a huge sign that may show where to go for which office. Sounds easy right?
"Oomph!" Comes from my mouth as hands grab my arms to keep me from falling.
"I am so sorry. Are you okay?" A deep voice panics.
I look up and my eyes got to be playing games. No way in the world can someone be so handsome. Handsome doesn't describe his looks and his eyes. Oh my galaxy his green eyes are so shiny. I slowly remove my hands from his forearms and what strong muscles I felt there too. Is it possible to have muscles there? Apparently so.
"I am okay. Thank you for catching me." I finally find my voice and clear my throat.
"It is the least I can do since I almost ran you over." He smiles.
Someone give me a pair of sunglasses. His teeth are pearl white and shine.
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