A young woman thought she had a high school love but that was all quick to change once he moved them from the only place she knew. Adina receives news the same day an opportunity comes up and she can leave.
Can Adina find a safe place to live?
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Eight years later...
Time has slipped by and I can say my love for Adina continues to just grow. Never would I have thought love could just keep growing but it does.
Adina is currently on the floor with our children. Henail is eight now and so sweet. Then there is Andrew, who is seven and then Lilly who is three. Little did we know the night of our date and first time in front of the fireplace having our time would result in our second little one, but it clued us in to Adina being pregnant when Henail stopped nursing and wouldn't take the breastmilk from Adina and had to be changed to formula.
Adina and I are done having kids though and are very content with our babies. Andrew and Lilly were healthy babies but Adina had to have c-sections with them since right at labor her blood pressure went up. Then with Lilly, Adina had high blood pressure levels a couple weeks before she was born so I got a vastectomy. Her doctor was Sandy both times and helped to make things easy throughout.
I still work at the station as an EMT and Adina at the pet grooming shop in town. Our family will take turns watching the kids and we do the same when Jackson and Sephia has to work. So there is always a household full of kids. Jackson and Sephia have two little girls, Dedra and Sasha. Eager and Margot got married officially five years ago and have a little boy together, George. Then there is Chas that has not settled down but is happy with his life and enjoys working at his own firm in town.
"Who wants to go see Grampie and Gram at the bakery?" Adina asks once she stands from the floor.
All three kids say 'yes' and run to get their shoes.
"They will enjoy the surprise." She whispers watching them get ready and I nod.
Today is a little day where all the kids can spend the afternoon decorating cookies for the Christmas parade that needed donations.
We all get into the car and Adina drives us to the bakery. I see everyone else pulling in at the same time. We all get the kids out and Mom opens the door to the back.
"My grandbabies!" She smiles and then they all go running to her.
I can't help but smile and place my arm around Adina's shoulders.
"Hi Mom." I hug her once the kids move inside.
"Hi son. Come on suit up to help watch all these little ones." Mom smiles and then hugs the others.
I walk in and see all the kids at the sink lined up washing their hands as Dad watches them. He dries their hands and Chas is on the side placing little aprons on them as they start lining up at the large table. I move and wash up in the high sink where dishes are cleaned then join helping make sure each child has a plate of cookies in front of them.
"Alright now kids. Today I need your help because we got many cookies needing decorated for the Christmas parade donations tomorrow. Who wants to help?" Mom smiles as the kids clap.
"I want to eat one though Gram." Dedra frowns.
"Oh don't you worry about that." Mom kisses her head. "I made something special for all my little helpers."
They kids all giggle and cheer. Adina moves and helps the younger ones while I do the same. Time passes by and I love seeing all the smiling faces.
"All done. Now I will get these into little bags for the donations." Mom wipes her hands.
"I can lend a hand there too." Adina smiles as I wipe up some icing on the counter.
"I got brownies and cookies for all our helpers." Dad comes out from a room with cups and Chas follows with another tray.
They lay them down and each child gets a cup of apple juice while Eager hands out the caramel brownies and cookies on their plates. Mom and Adina are placing cookies in the bags then Sephia is putting ties on the bag with a box.
"Where can I help?"
"I need another tray of the cookies." Adina looks up and smiles.
I grab a new tray from the freezer and place it down.
"Thank you." She kisses my lips quickly before going back to the work she was doing.
"Uncle Drew!" I turn to see Sasha walk up. I bend down to her level and she shows me her finger.
"What happened there?" I stand and get a towel to clean the small bit of blood from her finger.
"My chair made the boo-boo." She frowns.
Even though it doesn't need a bandaid, I pick her up and take to the counter where Mom and Dad keep a first aid kit. I take one out and place it on her finger which makes her smile. "Thank you." She hugs me and then goes back to join the others.
My feet go to her chair and I check it over, seeing a screw underneath that is sticking out. I move it to the back room and Chas walks in. "Don't let any of the kids touch this chair, there is a screw underneath and it cut Sasha's finger a little."
"Got it. Dad will properly order a new one and throw that one then." He nods.
"You got that right." Dad steps in and smiles. "Come on you two I got some eggnog."
I smile and join them. We all stand, talking while the kids are eating their dessert. Once they are done, we all gather into the cars once again but this time going to Mom and Dads house to where we can do a gift exchange for everyone while the kids get to play together.
After we are in my parents house, I hold Adina close to me on the couch while the food is on the way here since Chas told us he would pick up food for everyone so that no one cooks today and just gets to spend time together.
"I love you." Adina whispers looking up to me.
"I love you, little deer. I just hope I can show you everyday for the rest of our lives My Devotion too you."
"You do Drew in everything you do and even over do for me that you don't have too. I just hope I do the same for you."
"You do." I smile and kiss her lips quickly before we get up to join our children as they open their gifts from their grandparents, Aunts and Uncles.
There is nothing I could ever want more in life.
The End
A/N--- Hey Guys!
Thank you so much for reading! Hope everyone has enjoyed the book!!!
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