41. Shower

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One month later

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One month later...

My eyes open as the sun shines through the window. My hand rubs my eyes and I notice Drew isn't in bed. Sitting up, I grab the robe and walk to the nursery.

A smile graces my face as Drew sits in the rocking chair, feeding a breastmilk bottle to Henail. There really is not a better sight in the world.

The snow has been melting and at least the power did come back on within a few days after Henail was born and people could move around even if at very slow speeds. The day Henail was born, the others stayed with us until the morning after. Which was nice as it was all such a whirlwind time, I have healed normal and blood pressure stabilized back out within a day of him being born.

Drew places Henail in his crib as he done burped. He stops walking when he sees me at the doorway. "You're up."

I smile and wrap my arms around his neck. "You should have woke me."

"I love tending to him and helping. Since you been able to pump extra for bottles I get to help more now and take advantage so you can rest." He smile and kisses my lips.

His body pressed against mine sending my core throbbing as it has been so long since we got to do anything.

Once back in bed, my hands roam his body as he is blissfully shirtless and just in sleeping pants. It is all to easy to pull them down in one tug and he smirks as my lips have found his.

My hand works over his erect member as our tongues dance. Drew's hands move down my arm until they wrap around my back and hold my tight.

I may still be out of the pleasure time in bed, but I want to make Drew feel good. His moans spur me on as I pump his length faster until he releases over us.

I smile wide as I move to get up and Drew follows me to the bathroom, after grabbing the baby monitor. Together we strip from the dirtied pajamas then move under the hot spray of the shower.

His lips find mine once more and I moan as he breaks the kiss. With a soft smile, he kisses my forehead before turning me around and begins washing my hair. "Two weeks, little deer." He whispers and goosebumps form over my flesh.

"I'll have a gift for you." I tease, as my mind thinks to the lavender lingerie in my drawer for when the night comes that we can have sex again.

Drew groans and I laugh. He finishes washing my hair then I work on conditioning while he does his soap. Once done, he hands me a towel and we dry off before we slip more pajamas on.

In bed, I set the baby monitor on the nightstand as Drew pulls the blankets up. We kiss until we both fall asleep in each others arms.


Cries fill the arm and I get out of bed quickly. Making it to Henail, I coo and pick him up calming him instantly. He nuzzles against me and I know he is ready to feed once again so I sit in the chair and move my shirt for him to latch.

As he feeds from me, I stare at his little face.

"Good morning."

"Good morning." I look up to see Drew at the door frame. "He was ready to eat again."

"I think it is funny he only takes the bottle for me." Drew chuckles.

"Only because you don't have it like I do." I laugh. "I am glad you're able to feed him too though."

Drew nods. "It is a bonding moment that we both get to enjoy with him. I am excited for when he grows up. Even Dad was talking about taking him fishing like he done with my brothers and me."

I smile. "I bet he will enjoy it."

Drew leaves the room and I smell the scent of bacon cooking. Once Henail is fed and changed, I carry him then lay him in his bassinet in the living room. I race to the bedroom and dress for the day quickly before returning to the living room and kitchen.

"What time do you go in today?"

"In an hour." Drew looks to the clock.

The doorbell rings and I walk over to answer it. "Good morning." I smile at Jackson.

He rubs his hands and steps inside. "Good morning. He is awake?"

"No he was just fed." I laugh when my older brother pouts. Jackson loves spending time with his nephew and even watched him once just so Drew and I could sleep when Henail had his days and nights mixed up two weeks ago.

"You can still hold him though."

Jackson cheers up and takes his coat and shoes off. I watch as he washes his hands then declines breakfast when Drew offers him some. His eyes set on Henail and picking him up, the television is on the news station and he listens to it while holding the baby and I eat.

Drew leaves out and Jackson lays Henail down in the bassinet. "Let me clean up the kitchen for you."

"Thank you. I'm going to start laundry then."

Jackson nods.

It doesn't take long and I walk back out of the laundry room to see Jackson putting the last pan away.

"You off?"

"Yes, no work today since the company has the systems updating." He nods. "Sephia said they got a busy day at the shop too."

"I offered to go in for grooming but Tadana said she will let me come in to just answer the phones only."

"Who is watching Henail?"

"Margot said she would and Eager will work the front of the bakery. They said they would do that on days I work and so does Drew."

"Let me in on the baby sitting."

"Okay." I nod and smile, while thankful for everyone in my life.

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