A young woman thought she had a high school love but that was all quick to change once he moved them from the only place she knew. Adina receives news the same day an opportunity comes up and she can leave.
Can Adina find a safe place to live?
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The oven beeps just as I hear the front door open.
"Hey little deer, I am home." Drew's voice floats through the air.
"How was your day?" I ask and smile at him when I see him walk over to the counter, just as I place the pan on the spare oven mit. Drew currently smells of cleaning pads they use.
"It was good. Did you get the gender in an envelope? Also did your boot get to come off?" He smiles and leans over the counter where no food has been placed. I place a quick kiss to his lips then step over to the side.
"Boot is off, finally!" I smile and hold my free leg out. It has felt a little odd but so good to have it off and the area healed nicely. "As for the gender of the baby. It is right there." I point to the table where the envelope lays since I got in the door.
"Let's open it!" Drew stands up straight and I laugh at how excited he is.
"I would love to but you smell like a walking alcohol wipe and it burns the nose." I scrunch my nose up at how it is strong.
"That would be because a trainee at the station spilled a bottle of rubbing alcohol on my pants as I was walking by to place my bag up before clocking out." Drew sighs. "I will go clean up first."
"Please because I rather want to enjoy the moment with you when we find out." I smile. "Could you just place the clothes in the washer? I can get it going to clean them for you."
"Of course." He smirks and then my eyes watch as he strips down in front of me until nothing but his boxers are left on.
He picks his clothes up and walks to the washer. The way his muscles move with each step and the movement of placing his clothes in the washer. Who would have thought something so mundane could be so incredibly sexy at the same time? Forget the chicken pizza casserole, I'd much rather have a taste of Drew.
With a smug look knowing what he is doing to me, he turns and goes to the bedroom. I exhale the breath that I was holding and turn to finish chopping up the bell pepper for the vegetable salad and then it will be finished. By time I am stirring the pepper into the salad and adding a little flakes of basil, Drew walks back in with regular lounge wear on.
"Are you ready?" I smile wide.
He mirrors mine with a nod then frowns. "But I hate dinner may get cold and you worked hard on it."
"Pish posh! Let's find out what the gender of the baby is." I smile and he nods.
"Okay then as long as you are sure."
"Positive because it still hot when I place my hand over the top hovering above it here." I show him and he nods.
I make my way to the table. Drew takes a seat then pulls me onto his lap. His fingers slide through the seal and open the envelope. My heart beats a little faster as excitement bubbles in me and when looking back to Drew he smiles so wide before kissing me once.
He pulls back from the kiss, staring into my eyes. "Three. Two. One." He whispers and I turn my head to where we can see the word at the same time.
There right before us stands the color blue with the words "Baby Boy' is wrote in a blue highlighter on a plain card along with the letter where there are more words and says the same about the baby being a boy from the fast skim I done over the letter in Drew's other hand.
"A boy." Drew laughs and as his fingers release the paper he hugs me tight to his body. I turn my head with a laugh and capture his lips with my own once again. We pull back and he smiles while his thumb rubs over my cheek. "It feels even more surreal now doesn't it?"
I nod. "It does."
My heart burst from the joy and love coming from Drew as he rubs my bump, talking to the baby.
The doorbell chimes and I laugh with a gut feeling of who it may be. Drew helps me to stand from his lap as we go to answer the door.
"Baby?" Jackson smiles as soon as he sees us.
"We are having a boy!" Drew tells him and Jackson steps over into the house and hugs me tight.
"I can't wait to spoil him." Jackson laughs in my ear softly.
"So happy for you!" Sephia smiles and then hugs me once Jackson lets me go.
"Hey do you want to join for dinner?" Drew asks them.
"No, thanks though, Adina had asked the same earlier. I plan to take Sephia out tonight." Jackson smiles looking at her and it brings tears to my eyes when I see my big brother so in love and happy. There is something there though in his eyes and it doesn't escape my notice they are dressed nicely tonight. It makes me giddy for my friend and brother at the thought maybe it could be happy news for them tonight too.
They wave and Drew closes the door. I go back to the kitchen and start to plate our food. "Oh Drew!"
He looks up from placing salad on our plates.
"We need to tell your parents."
Drew smiles and picks up his phone. "How do you want to do it?"
"Come here." I wave a finger at him and take his phone to snap a picture of the cardstock then we make up a cute little phrase and send it to his parents along with his brothers and Margot.
Happiness radiates through me as we eat on the meal I made.
"You know there is much to do." Drew looks at me. "Planning the wedding and a name for baby boy."
I nod. "All fun stuff though."
Drew leans over and kisses my lips.
I hum and he stands while pulling me into his arms. "I know what I want for dessert tonight."
"Good, me too. I will get the dishes cleaned up after." Drew smirks and picks me up bridal style while walking to the bedroom, going through and making it to the overly large tub in the bathroom.
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