A young woman thought she had a high school love but that was all quick to change once he moved them from the only place she knew. Adina receives news the same day an opportunity comes up and she can leave.
Can Adina find a safe place to live?
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To see Bradus when life has been going so well was a slap to the face. Evelin was such an amazing help with calming me the night it happened.
I told Evelin how I was upset with myself that I couldn't stay strong after telling myself I would. She explained more of her past to me, we had so much in common sadly. Her words have truly helped as she said it takes time and gave me some helpful advice. Since it all happened a few days ago, she will call to check on me if she doesn't visit.
Now I am washing up all the clothes for little Henail. His room is set up and ready as Jackson and Drew got the crib in here yesterday. Together they even got the other furniture in the room put together.
Chimes pull me from the washer and to the front door. I open it and smile. "Hi guys. What brings you by?"
Margot holds a container in her hands and Chas rubs his neck.
"This one here won't shut it and is driving us nuts at the bakery. Drew said you were off today when he came in at lunch time, so I thought I would bring you some treats and him here." Margot tilts her head.
Chas blushes and looks away for a moment when our eyes meet.
"Thank you for the treats. Come on in." I move from the door.
Marogt gives the box to Chas and pushes him in the house as she moves back. "I got to go back to the shop." She smiles and then walks down the stairs. I notice her car and even Chas' in the drive.
"Come on in." I smile to Chas.
He nods and slowly walks in the rest of the way. Once I close the door he turns and hands me the box.
"Thanks." I smile and take it to the kitchen, hearing as his footsteps follows in behind me.
"Adina." He sighs.
"Yes?" I turn my head slightly while opening the lid. I grab the oreo truffle ball first and take a bite.
Chas smiles and then frowns while watching me before his eyes goes to my bump. "I am very sorry. I had no clue. You shouldn't have gone through that in your condition." He stops and sighs.
"I know you didn't know and I don't hold nothing on you. Nor should you hold anything on yourself."
He nods slowly seemingly not believing my words. "Drew is ticked."
I shrug. "Not at you. He is mad at Bradus for how he acted and had said."
Once again he nods.
"So if you know this, why did you apologize?" I offer him the box after I get another ball but this time it's a sprinkle white chocolate one.
"No thanks, you enjoy them." Chas smiles at me. "I don't know maybe if I had thought and not brought him back with me."
"You didn't know though. If you had, would you have still brought him?"
"Of course not." Chas' face gets a little red as his fists ball up. "Never would I have let him come with me, as he had a couple times before in the past. I was only his lawyer and friend because most bounty hunters have one since at times they, themselves tend to get in trouble with the police if they get in the way of police work. He came with me a couple of times because the city closest to here is where a lot of people go when jumping bail."
"Okay then, once again nothing for you to feel guilty on or apologize for."
"Mom said he done you the way my biological father done her."
I nod. "He did, yes."
"What did Mom mean about breaking his leg like he done yours?"
I go to tell him on the day I left Bradus. The entire time his fists stayed balled and his face red.
"You know when my Mom ran her arm was fractured." He states and I nod. It was something Evelin told me about too.
"Now enough feeling bad. I need help and you are as good as anyone if you're game? If not I will go get Jackson." I point to my brothers house.
"What do you need?"
"I don't like where the dresser is in Henail's nursery so I need it moved to the other corner." I smile and he nods.
He walks to the nursery and sets to moving the dresser. I didn't honestly like where it was but I was going to just leave it, but a part of me just can't get over how it doesn't fit being there next to the door either.
In a short time Chas has it moved and I nod with a smile. "Much better."
"Anything else? I am not working today and was helping at the bakery before Margot made me follow her here." Chas rubs his neck.
"I don't have anything else." I shrug. "You can stay for dinner if you would like? I plan to start cooking in a minute."
"What are you making? I enjoy cooking, as long as you're sure you want me too."
"Come on into the kitchen and help me out." I wave and turn waddling to the kitchen. "Tonight is a chicken dish."
"Chicken. I am game."
I laugh lightly and wash my hands, then move so Chas can wash up.
"It is going to be semi baked and then finished in this little grill thing here." I point to it. "Then I am going to make a salad and scalloped potatoes to go along with it."
"Where is the box of scallop potatoes?"
"No box. We are making this homemade style."
"Now your talking!" He fist pumps the air and we get to work together. A light music plays on the stero speaker in the corner as we laugh about things he tells me on his trips to different places to work.
"Hey Little Deer, I'm home." I hear as Drew opens the front door.
I walk over and kiss him. "Hi." I smile once pulling back. "Margot brought your older brother over and he seems better now."
Drew nods and whispers in my ear. "Thank you. He has felt the worst."
"Like I told him no need, it wasn't his fault."
I smile and he kisses my lips.
"Are you two going to suck face or get ready to eat?" Chas chuckles from the kitchen and Drew pulls back from the kiss to chunk his hat at Chas.
I laugh and Drew goes to our room to change from his uniform to regular clothes.
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