34. A Bat

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"What the fuck are you doing here?" Jackson jumps up from the chair across from Adina

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"What the fuck are you doing here?" Jackson jumps up from the chair across from Adina.

Adina turns her head and I watch as her face pales with her hands shaking immediately.

"Looks like my friendship with Chas helps in more ways than just being a lawyer for my job." He smirks. "Ready to come home now, since I have been looking for you everywhere."

"I don't think so pal." I move over to Adina and she stands with the help of her brother.

"But I do." His eyebrows furrow and it is clear when anger flashes over his features. His fist forming tight.

"My wife isn't going anywhere." I state and stand in front of Adina.

Jackson moves to stand beside me. "I think it is best if Adina and I leave."

Everyone looks between all of us. Dad with confusion. Mom looks confused then angry.

"Why are you looking for Adina?" Dad speaks up.

"I am sorry I hadn't properly introduced myself since last I came you were working." He moves and hold a hand out to Dad. "My name is Bradus. Nice to meet you Mr. Maxwell and I thank your oldest for helping me in more ways than one. I have been looking for this lady for many months now since she ran out on me."

"You need to leave." Dad stares him down and doesn't take his offered hand, as Dad knows Adina's past abuse from Bradus.

"Adina is the fiancée you been looking for?" Chas speaks up for the first time.

"You two were never engaged." Jackson states.

"Okay I fibbed a little, big deal. I thought I was good with tracking people down. Heck it is what I do for those who skip court from bailing out of jail." Bradus states. "Come on Adina, you know me. I am sorry but things have gotten better. I even got help and don't gamble anymore. All the money I have been making I have saved up to make life easy for you."

"You need to leave my wife alone and leave." I state through clenched teeth as he keeps trying to look around me and move towards Adina. One step closer and I'm going to punch him out.

"Now come on. She was mine first for a couple years. We just had a rough patch when she broke up with me." He raises his hands. "She is mine and has been." 

"She is my wife." I state.

Adina's hands clench my shirt as I can feel her breathing against my back.

"She is a person and her own being not belonging to anyone." Mom states. "I will never let my daughter-in-law go back to someone as abusive as you."

My eyes notice when Jackson starts moving and Adina has let go of my shirt is backing up.

"Look here Sunny. I am in the right mind to put my foot up your perky behind that is sticking out far enough to cut freaking bananas on. I suggest you get back out that door there and high tail it back to wherever you came from before I do to you what you did to that poor girl." Tadana gets up in his face. "How would you like to be smacked around? To be belittled and abused?" She continues on.

Hell I'd be shaking in my shoes if I was him. I never seen her get mad before and right now she is fuming with a face overly red. Makes me think her blood pressure needs to be checked, with how mad she has gotten. Mom looks no different as she goes to grab for a magazine, but Dad stops her.

"What he won't leave our house and is scaring my daughter-in-law. I know he hit her and fractured her ankle. I was just going to do the same to him." Mom gets loud, while rolling up the magazine to use as a bat.

As everyone has their attention on them. I cut my eyes to see Sephia holding Adina's hand as they make their way out the back door. A key catches my eye as Sephia moves it as she closes the back door. It eats me up on the inside and Jackson looks over to me then gives me a sharp nod.

"You can call our contract and friendship void, as you are no longer a client of mine. I refuse to work for someone that abuses others." Chas states and then pushes him by his arms out the door. "Call a taxi and leave this town."

Jackson shakes as he turns and runs to the back door once the front door closes. I join him and look out. "Sephia took her car." He states.

"Where did they go?" Mom comes over and looks to Jackson.

He pulls his phone back out and dials Sephia's number. "They are at your house." He looks to me and I get out the front door into my truck as Mom joins and jumps into the passenger seat. I notice Bradus walking down the street after we pulled out of the driveway but since he is walking there is no way he can follow us.

Once home, Mom gets out and walks to the front door with me right behind her. Sephia opens the door and I immediately hear sobs.

"Adina?" Mom calls quietly as we enter the house and I see her sitting on the couch with her head hanging in her hands above her bump.

"I am so sorry it ruined your surprise. Seeing him just brought all the memories back. It is my fault, I should have left right when I broke up with him." Adina cries even harder.

Mom moves over to the couch and once she places a hand on Adina's leg, Adina leans over and Mom puts her head on her lap. I watch as Mom whispers to Adina and runs her fingers through her hair. The entire time Adina cries and whimpers as Mom talks to her once listening to what Adina says.

My heart breaks at how vulnerable she is and how hurt she looks. It makes me happy that Mom came in a heartbeat to help as I am sure she is one of the best ones since Mom had a similar happenings before meeting Dad.

With slow feet I move and sit on the floor in front of Adina and Mom. Adina's hand comes out and I hold her hand, her eyes are swollen from the tears as her nose is red. "I'm so sorry."

"You done nothing wrong, my little deer." I whisper and kiss her temple.

Her sobs turn into sniffles as Mom continues to run her fingers through Adina's hair, while I rub my thumb over her hand that I hold. Her eyes close as exhaust takes over.

Jackson walks in quietly. "How is she?"

"Sleeping currently." Mom whispers.

I get up from the floor and walk over to him. "Is he gone?"

Jackson nods. "I watched him until he got in a taxi then left. Eager and Margot said they will make sure he gets on a bus or plane."

My eyes sees Chas walking up the stairs to the house. I wave him in and he has a face of remorse. "I am so incredibly sorry Drew. I would have never brought him if I had known."

"I know that bro. Don't beat yourself up about it." I pat his back and then move to get a bottle of water for Adina when she wakes.

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