33. Baby Shower

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Cold air hits harsh as normal for the beginning of December, as I step out of the station

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Cold air hits harsh as normal for the beginning of December, as I step out of the station.

"How is married life treating you?" Captain steps up and pats my back.

"Very nicely and couldn't be happier." I smile.

"When is that little Henail to be born again?"

"In another eight weeks or so. She just hit the thirty-two week mark."

"Nothing better I will tell you." He nods.

"I can't wait, we just got the nursery set up for the paint done anyway, next is to get the furniture in there but that is set for this evening with the surprise baby shower."

"This is for you guys. I couldn't help myself and neither could my wife." Captain holds a bag up. "Call it a late wedding gift and baby shower gift since it is for the three of you."

"Thank you." I smile and take the bag.

"My wife was upset she had to work and couldn't attend the wedding so when we went out shopping for gifts she picked that out and I agree with her." Captain laughs.

"We appreciate anything."

Lumie comes up and pats my back. "You are going to be late picking up your wife though if you don't get going."

I look at my watch and nod. "See you!" I wave to them and get in my truck.

Making it home, I walk in and see Adina asleep on the couch. So I change and shower before waking her. Adina has been a bit tired lately and at least she does nap on her days off like today. Tadana helped make sure it was her day off since Mom was able to throw together a baby shower even though Adina has said she didn't need one.

I kiss Adina on the temple and she moves lightly. "Hey, Little Deer. How about we go get a bite to eat at my parents house?"

"Sure." She hums and stretches a little. I help her to sit up and off the couch. My eyes watching as she waddles slightly into the bedroom. "I am sorry I didn't hear you come home."

"You need your sleep." I smile and kiss her lips before helping her to put her shoes on. No need in her doing extra work when I can help her.

In no time we are in the truck and going to my parents. I know based on the time everyone should be there and parked around the back. It is a normal thing for us to go to my parents for dinner at least once a week so helps to make this a surprise.

I open the front door and see a couple heads poke around from the kitchen before hiding once more as I step inside with Adina behind me.

"Hello Dear!" Mom smiles and comes over to hug Adina as normal. "How are you feeling today?"

"I am good." She nods.

"Come and get seated, dinner will be done in a minute." Mom takes her to the couch as I go to the kitchen and grab the plater that Mom told me to bring over.

A smirk forms on my lips as I walk and everyone trails behind me to the living room. When Adina looks up from where she sits on the couch her mouth drops open and she closes it before opening to say something or try too.

"Surprise!" Everyone surrounds her and throws blue streamers around her as Sephia places a blue sash around her shoulder and over her bump. Adina laughs and tries to get up, Jackson and Sephia helps her up and she hugs them all.

"You are sneaky." She points to me and kisses my lips.

"This was easy."

"I didn't need this." She blushes and Mom hushes her.

"You deserve to be pampered as a mother to be. We want to spoil you and the baby boy too." Mom laughs.

"It sure is a great way to go shopping." Tadana laughs and Mom joins her.

"Chas should be here soon." Dad speaks up next to me.

"I wasn't sure I know he was busy with the holiday season and work trying to get everything done and handled."

"He is supposed to have a friend with him this time though." Mom speaks up and I nod. "He is one that has been here before, sometimes does work with Chas."

"Gifts first? Please I can't wait any longer." Jackson looks around the room and I help Adina sit back on the couch again.

"Sounds great." I smile and everyone agrees.

Jackson gets his phone out and I know what he is about to show her. I can't help but smile as his hard earned secret is fixing to be known. "This is something I made for the baby myself." He proudly states and turns the phone around to Adina.

"Jackson! That is beautiful. I didn't know you could make something like this."

"It was easy, plus it is good and sturdy, but not a single baby will have one like little Henail as I even engraved his name into the frame with the deisgns here." Jackson smiles as Adina tears up at the baby bed that he built.

She wipes her eyes. "And how often did you hurt yourself?" She laughs and I join her.

"Once." He huffs.

"I tended to it easily though, just a splinter that had to be pulled out when he didn't feel it and it got irritated." I chuckle.

Everyone else goes through the gifts and we have so many clothes but also just about anything one can think of for a baby. The gift the Captain gave me was a little bundle deal one for baby with soaps and such, then one for Mom and Dad to do with some type of cream for Adina then I got a throw blanket with the station's number and the EMT symbol.

The door opens and in steps Chas. "Hey pretty Mama the best Uncle has arrived."

"Woah now!" Jackson exclaims.

"I beg to differ." Eager states.

"Okay. Okay, I will share the title of best Uncle. Although, I did get a gift with the help of Mom on the phone since I am clueless about what to even buy. Though clothes are actually fun to look for." Chas laughs and places the bag at Adina's side.

"Where is your friend?" Mom asks.

"Right here, was finishing up a phone call." Chas shrugs and then opens the door before waving in his friend.

" Chas shrugs and then opens the door before waving in his friend

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