A young woman thought she had a high school love but that was all quick to change once he moved them from the only place she knew. Adina receives news the same day an opportunity comes up and she can leave.
Can Adina find a safe place to live?
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"Your couch." Drew sighs, while I smile and take his arm in mine.
Little victory is how this feels.
"I don't know how to get my truck back." He mumbles.
"I would have drove you in your truck and then walked home." I shrug as I get the front door open, but Drew doesn't budge while his mouth gapes open staring at me.
"What?" I ask and look around. Did I leave any panties laying around that I missed while moving laundry early today?
No. I don't see any.
"You would not have walked that is miles between our places."
"So? Walking never hurts."
"That's to much though in your condition." Drew all but shrills.
Who knew he could hit a high note as such?
I use my finger to wiggle my ear some and shake my head. "You do know it is pregnancy not like I got some leg injury. Was never told I couldn't walk."
"Adina that is a fifteen minutes trip just driving and that is the quickest route here."
"Yeah?" I really don't see what he is up in a hissy over.
"That is still." He looks up while counting. "Five miles."
"Once again, so? It isn't that far really."
"Yeah that is to far to walk." Drew yawns and I close the front door as I push him further into the house.
With a shake of my head, I lead him over to the couch and his eyes are bloodshot, while drooping. Stupid, I shouldn't have let time slip by and I should have just packed up our things instead of staying there once the shower ended.
Once Drew is sat down on the couch, I walk to a closet and get some blankets out then grab a spare pillow. Back at the couch, I place things on the table as Drew is laying on his side with his feet on the floor, I smile at how cute he is while sleeping. I put the pillowcase on and then place it on the couch.
"Hey?" I rub his shoulder and he barely raises his head up.
With some coaxing, I get him onto the pillow.
"Thank you." He sighs and is snoring a moment later.
I see his feet still hang off the side of the couch since his shoes are on. My fingers untie the shoes and slip them off, before moving his legs onto the couch. I turn and grab the blanket, covering him up.
A smile forms as I watch him sleep soudly, but then it feels like I am some creeper so I walk back outside to grab the bag from the trunk of my car. Finally inside, I lock up the door and place the bag in the laundry area since I can empty it tomorrow sometime with not working.
I go to my bedroom and close the door, before going to my bathroom and changing into my night clothes. After I have done my night routine, I get in bed and pull the covers up. Sleep finds me easy as my mind clears.