29. Semantics

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Bubbles fly around as a mini teacup yorkie spins in the tub

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Bubbles fly around as a mini teacup yorkie spins in the tub. The hardest part is the fact the little dog isn't fighting but rather enjoying her bath a little to much. My shirt is soaking wet as I can even see some bubbles aren't popping but stuck to my hair.

Once the bath is done, she whines as I dry her off and her bubbles are gone. I trim her hair and nails. Then to finish out the grooming session I use some sprays to help fur shine, keep fur soft and then the perfume.

My mind keeps going over when Drew proposed last week. Everyone was so happy for us and I could have sworn Jackson even got misty eyed on me.

"Adina?" I hear my name.

"Yes?" I turn and see Evelin standing there. "Hello." I smile at her.

"Hey Dear. I brought you something for a mid-day treat." She holds out a container.

"Oh thank goodness. I so need that." I laugh and she joins me. "I hadn't had anything sweet in a couple days now."

"Can't have that." She laughs.

"One second as I place this baby in the crate." I smile and she coos at the yorkie but never touches.

I get the pup into her little crate and Tadana walks in. "Hello Evelin. We need to get together for a lunch soon."

"You bet." Evelin smiles.

"Perfect, Tixie is ready."

"Yes she is." I smile as Tadana takes her out to the front.

I wash my hands as Tixie was my last fur baby before lunch time. "I thought you would be baking." I smile to Evelin.

"Well, Drew mentioned how he had to work today so I wanted to offer to go with you to your appointment if you wanted me too."

"Of course! I would love for you to come and share the happy moment. I planned on having the tech place the gender in an enevelope to share the moment with Drew since he couldn't find anyone to cover his shift."

"But I also did want to bring this by for you. It is something new I thought about putting out."

I open the lid and the scent had my mouth watering.

"It is a hazelnut cream cookie with coconut shavings." Evelin smiles as I take a bite.

I swear sometimes food can be better than anything else. "This has got to be the best cookie."

She smiles and claps her hands.

"Would like to join me for lunch? After I just have one nail trimming to do then it is off to the appointment."

"Sure." Evelin smiles and I heat up some leftover lasgana for the both of us that I brought.

One thing I do is bring extras in case Drew gets to stop by for lunch. We eat together and Sephia joins us along with Tadana. The conversation flows over different things but the wedding is at the front. Drew and I hadn't set an official date but we are seeing about getting everything put together within two months time if we can.

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