38. Lost Power

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Blizzards are never the highlight of the week

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Blizzards are never the highlight of the week. Although, I can say I am happy this time around as I am wrapped around my beautiful wife as she sleeps soundly on my chest. Her back against me as I hold her tight to me and rub over her baby bump, earning some kicks in return but not as many as normally recieved but he is probably calmer since she ate not long ago.

I flipped it to the news once she was asleep to see what the weather reports are saying. Apparently this one could be around for a bit before it ends. It was a blind winter storm that happened to just pop up.

My phone has went off on the work rotations going to be done and I will try to make it in if I can but right now I can't even see out the window any distance for all the snow to see how deep it already has gotten. I was set to be off tomorrow as well as today but now it is the ones closest to the station that will be working hard until things are clear.

There is also some ice involved with this one which makes it a bit tricker than normal as normal snow can be driven on if knowing how to. Ice can make things impassable, so it will be a see what I can do once my shift comes up but everyone around here knows how things like this goes. I am not above walking to town in order to get to the station if needed be either, just will take some time since it's several miles out.

My phone rings and I answer seeing it is Dad.

"Hey did you guys get home?"

'Just barely. Your Mom yelled bush once but the darn thing didn't move and I couldn't avoiding it. Told her once before having it at the end of the drive could be good but bad. It was good to where I knew where to turn but bad because with the ice, the car slid right over the thing.'

"At least you guys are home."

'Did you and Adina make it home?'

"We are and thankfully not as eventful as your guys." I chuckle as I can picture Mom over her favorite bush. That thing was there for a couple years now and she loved it when finding it and having me plant it for her.

We talk a little more and then hang up before I flip the television to a movie once again. My head lulls back and darkness seeps in temporarily until I raise my head up feeling Adina shift on me.

"Sorry." She grimaces when looking back to me.

"Don't be. Here let me help you up." I smile and rub her arms. I move and she sits up then gets up going to the bathroom.

I walk to the kitchen and notice the time. Guess I did fall alseep for a bit since I got off the phone with Dad an hour ago. With a shake of my head, I get to working on dinner since the food we got after the appointment was our lunch and not really that much there getting the light meal.

"What are you thinking?"

I turn at her voice and then rubs my hands together. "How about a chicken wrap?"

Adina nods. "I can get to work on the vegetables to help unless you want me to prep the meat."

"I got the meat."

We set out working and I notice a good two feet of snow piled against the front door already in just a couple hours time. I shake my head and get back to cooking with Adina.

The hours pass by as we eat dinner, clean it up and then snuggle on the couch. Together we make our way to the bed and throw on another movie until both of us fall asleep.


My eyes open to the television still playing but the bed empty.

"Adina?" I call out when I sit up and don't see any lights on. I throw the covers off and get up from the bed and out of the room.

"Adina?" Calling for her again, I see a low light off to the side of the living room.

"Yeah?" She pops her head around and the light floods through and I notice she must have had the light on from the laundry room on to where she could see.

"What are you doing up at this hour of the morning?" I walk over and smell the scent of waffles.

"I got hungry and wanted food." She smiles.

"So you're making waffles at two in the morning?"

She nods. "Done made them technically and was eating one."

I chuckle and she goes back to the counter where her plate is next to another plate of made waffles.

"Want some?"

"No thanks." I smile and kiss her lips before cleaning up the bowl and waffle maker while she eats on hers. I notice her toppings are different than normal.

"We don't have syrup." She pouts a little when she notices me looking. "So I made up a cinnamon brown sugar mix which makes this tasty too." She shrugs.

In no time, she is finished and we are making it back to bed. Adina is asleep at a quick speed, but I watch her sleep by the light of the television. After a few minutes, I flip it back to the news and see that the snow has only gotten more in about twelve hours it is now at least seven feet high in some areas.

Darkness must have found me since when I open my eyes again I can tell a little light trying to come through the top of the high window in on the wall. The sky still looks to being overcast. Adina isn't in bed again and I get up to notice the television off and even the clock is off.

Great we lost power sometime since we were last up. I sigh and get up from bed. The fireplace needs to be started at the very least and I can hear that the generator has kicked on that comes on automatically if we lost power that is in the shed close to the house as the cables are connected to it barely underground up to the major applicanes in the house. So the fireplace is what will keep us warm through this time. Helps that I have made sure to have lots of wood in the garage attached to the back of the house that opens and can be walked into from the laundry room.

A grunt gets my attention just as I walk into the laundry room seeing the door to the garage open.

"Adina." I sigh as I figure she must be getting the wood herself. "You're not supposed to be carrying." Words stop at the sight I see.

" Words stop at the sight I see

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