37. Snow

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"Here you are

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"Here you are." A lady smiles at Drew while batting her eyelashes like there is something stuck in her eye or maybe her fake lashes are coming off. With the wind blowing and her hanging out the window thing, it may be funny to see them go flying. At least after flirting with my husband would be a great instant karma.

Maybe I am being mean, but I can't stand when they clearly see me with him and still flirt. Like does some flirt meters never turn off? I feel like it is a knock that hoe meter down a notch or two.

I am just hangry.

Yes, that is it. This isn't me, I shake my head trying to stop myself but then look over and seeing her bite her finger while still batting her eyes drinking in Drew.

"Breath, little deer." Drew smirks as he hands the bag of food to me.

I huff and take a fry popping it into my mouth. "Hope her lashes fly off." I mumble and he laughs while getting the drinks from her next, but at least she slipped on some new gloves or else I be telling Drew not to touch them cups after seeing her bite on her finger.

Sure enough I look over again once grabbing another fry to watch as her hair is whipping hard with the wind and she doesn't need to hang out with how close he parked to the building. Before my very eyes, I watch as a piece flies from her head and her hair is above her shoulders now.

There goes her extensions. I can't stop my laugh at her shocked face but then cover my mouth. What shocks me more is her jumping from the window to chase the hair piece down, but I do feel for her at the same time since those are not cheap. Really, should've been the lashes to go.

Drew moves the truck and puts it in park, I watch as he gets out to help her, he is the one to catch the hair piece for her and she doesn't touch him but stands from a distance which shocks me after her flirting behavior.

She walks up to my door and I roll the window down. "Thank you as well."

"For?" I can't help but raise an eyebrow.

"Not keeping him from helping. Sorry since my behavior was not appropriate either, flirting, when I seen his ring. Just felt like I needed to prove I am sexy to my ex that works with me here."

"Thanks for apologizing but try not to flirt with married men and also don't try to hard." I look her over. "You are actually very pretty so don't let him ruin things or make you who you are not."

She smiles and nods. I watch as she walks inside the building with her head held high.

"Eventful getting food." Drew laughs chuckles lightly as we get back on the road.

We make it to the bakery and we both go in. "There you two are!" Evelin squeals and runs over as I hand her the pictures from today.

Greg makes up a box for us and I place the cash on the counter even though they have been telling me not to. We are not there long before making it to the grocery store.

"You stay here and I will go into get the groceries needed still for the next few days."

"You don't want to eat first?" I already grabbed my burger, since my stomach wants more than the fries I have nibbled on since leaving the food place.

"No, I will once we get home." He smiles and rubs my thigh as I search to get the paper for him.

"Here is the list." I hand it to him from my purse.

He leans over and kisses me quickly before getting out of the truck. Taking my phone out, I watch some of the show I been slowly working through when I been home to just pass time as I eat the food.

Something catches my eye right out the side of my window, looking up my eyes widen. I shut the show off and call Drew. Now I would get out of the truck but the issue is I can't open my door enough with this other vehicle that pulled up and got close to where I can't.

'Hey Little Deer. Think of something else I need to grab in here?'

"No. Just calling to tell you it's snowing."

'What?' Drew sounded confused.

"It is snowing right now I am watching it come down and none the light either."

He bids me a bye before hanging up the phone. I sigh and lean my head back on the headrest.

It isn't long before he comes out and gets the bags in the back behind his seat before we are back on the road. The snow is falling fairly harsh and makes it hard to see within a couple feet of the truck's lights. So our journey home is taking much longer than normal from the slow speeds.

By the time we pull into the driveway, the lines on the road are not even visible. We could tell we were on the road by the sidewalks and it has my anxiety through the roof.

Drew gets out and then helps me out, I follow his lead up to the front door. Our clothes are not heavy with the weather since it was warmer when we left earlier and the temperatures have really dropped. With me inside, Drew runs back to the truck to get the groceries since I grabbed the food bag and our drinks.

"That came from no where and was not even calling for any type of weather." Drew shrugs out of his coat and snow falls to the floor.

The nesting part of me can't stand it and I get a towel to mop it up as he places the food away.

"Let me do that." Drew takes my arm in his hands as I was down with my knees bent wiping it up. He guides me as I push up with my legs and stand, but the room begins to spin a little. "You need to sit so you don't fall. Why don't you check on Jackson see where he is."

I take my phone from my purse I had placed on the couch once home. Texting Jackson, I see they are at Sephia's apartment as it was closer that his house and got caught in the storm. Thankfully her apartment is stocked with supplies unlike his house from the messages.

Drew comes to the couch with his food and a plate of sweets for me. "Thank you." I smile as I take the plate and we put on a comedy movie while watching the snow falling out the window.

" I smile as I take the plate and we put on a comedy movie while watching the snow falling out the window

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