A young woman thought she had a high school love but that was all quick to change once he moved them from the only place she knew. Adina receives news the same day an opportunity comes up and she can leave.
Can Adina find a safe place to live?
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Little Henail is officially three months old and babbles so much. Today my older brother gets married and tonight Drew and I will be going on a date since Evelin and Greg have been asking to have Henail for a night.
I stand in my dress while making sure all the bags are packed for Henail. Just as I zip the cooler with bottles of milk to last until tomorrow, Drew rounds the corner.
"Everything good?"
"Yeah, just making sure we have everything for this evening and your parents tonight."
"He will be in great hands."
I wrap my arms around Drew and smiles. "I know because look how good you turned out, but it is just the nerves from him being away from us for the first time."
"We can always call my parents or go see him. They will not mind."
"I know." I smile and then we get into the truck.
My phone pings and I see that it is a message request. I open it and see it is Bradus' sister.
"You okay?"
"I think so just reading a message from Bradus' sister."
Drew hums and I go back to reading.
After I read it, I placed the phone in my lap and let out a long breath. Everything feels lighter on my shoulders knowing that he will never bother me again.
I smile looking at Drew. "It is good news."
"What did she have to say?" He raises an eyebrow looking at me while at a red light.
"Apparently, Bradus is in jail and not sure when he will get out. Her lawyer got him for theif since he did take her rightful money. Not to even go onto the gamlbing debt he was in."
Drew sighs and takes my hand. "It is nice she messaged you."
"It is nice of her but I don't think it will go any further than this. We were never friends or anything before either."
We pull up to the little church. My brother stands outside and smiles when he sees us. Jackson gets Henail out of his carseat while I jump out of the truck.
"My little best man." Jackson coos to a babbling Henail.
"What am I then?" Eager holds his hands out to his side.
"You're runner up." Drew laughs at his brother.
"I can't even fight against that." Eager laughs. "He is my best bud though."
"Uh, hold up he likes his Uncle Jackson better." Jackson bickers.
"You're both wrong he likes his Uncle Chas more." Chas walks up and smiles.
"Actually, Henail likes me better." Drew smirks.
I watch as the others pout. "You can't fight that one boys. I can though." Greg hugs me then moves to Jackson holding Henail. "You like grampie the most don't you." He takes Henail and gets a large smile from my baby boy.
"You five are awful." I shake my head when they pout and start making faces to which Henail laughs at while his eyes stare over them all from Greg's arms. "Where is Sephia?"
"In the back." Jackson smiles and I hug him tight.
"I am so happy for you, Jackson."
"Best decision for us coming here huh?"
"Truly." I smile and hug him once more. Making my way to the back, I knock on the door as Sephia opens it and pulls me in.
"You look beautiful." I smile and hug her gently.
"I am so nervous. What if I fall? Is Jackson out there? Where is Henail? I need baby loves to calm down."
I laugh and rub her arms. "Breath first off. Henail is with his Grampie as the men were fighting over his attention and cuddles, but I can get him."
"I need extra practice." Sephia's eyes are a little larger and I squeal.
"Are you serious? You're?"
She nods. "I just found out this morning at the doctor."
"I am so happy for you and Jackson."
"He doesn't know yet. I want to tell him right after our first kiss as husband and wife."
I awe and clap my hands. "Everyone is going to be so incredibly happy and excited."
"You think?"
"Oh I know so!"
Sephia sits in a chair and I curl her hair before places a hair piece in that was her grandmothers.
"How are walking you down the aisle or are you walking alone?" I ask since I am not sure her parents both left when she was a baby, so her grandmother raised her on her own.
"Greg offered and I took that with a smile along with a few tears. I can't believe even Drew's parents took us all in."
"They are so very nice."
She nods.
"Time to get you around the church and to the front doors." I smile and walk with her where Greg stands waiting.
"You look stunning. Jackson is anxiously waiting up front to see you." Greg smiles and Sephia takes his arm.
"See you inside." I smile and hug her one last time.
Getting in the church, I laugh lightly when I see Chas holding Henail standing with Drew and Eager behind my bother.
"They won't give me my grandson." Evelin pouts then hugs me. "I am just waiting for tonight though."
The music starts and I watch as Sephia walks in with Greg. He hands her over to Jackson and I can't stop the smile on my face. Tears fill my eyes with happiness for my brother and best friend. After they share their vows and they kiss, Sephia whispers in his ears and I smile so wide as I watch my brother find out.
"We are going to be parents!" Jackson smiles then picks up Sephia as everyone claps and cheers for them.
As everyone moves into the building next to the church for a small reception, I grab Henail. We go to a back room and I feed him before joining everyone celebrating.
"He feed?" Drew walks over and kisses me tenderly before kissing Henail's head.
"Yes." I smile and we join in celebrating the marriage.
The food is delicious and the cake even moreso as Evelin outdone herself with theirs too. Just as the celebration comes to an end, I watch as Jackson and Sephia take off for a mini honeymoon to the beach. Drew and I help to clean everything up as Evelin and Greg get Henail's bags. I kiss my baby boy once more before making sure he is in his car seat in their car and wave as they drive off for the night.
"So Mrs. Maxwell, are you ready for our date?"
"More than ready. But I must say I am not hungry for food."
"All good things come in time." Drew smirks and then picks me up in his arms and walks me to the truck.
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