A young woman thought she had a high school love but that was all quick to change once he moved them from the only place she knew. Adina receives news the same day an opportunity comes up and she can leave.
Can Adina find a safe place to live?
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It had shocked me when Drew had offered about eating first if I was hungry. It is sort of embrassing at times how I have stayed so hungry other than the one hour mid-morning where I felt some morning sickness, which I notice has even started getting less every day from when it first started.
Drew drives us through the strip of town I have gotten familiar with until we reached the mall of sorts. When he turns the truck off he looks over to me.
"I will help you out." He smiles then jumps out first before rounding and getting my door. His hands come out and I slide out of the truck with him holding my waist gently.
"Thank you." I smile and he mirrors it.
"Have you been to this area?"
"Once I did to shop for some new clothing, but not since then." I nod once.
"How long have you been in town?"
"Right around four weeks now."
Drew nods. "If you don't mind me asking, how far along are you?"
"Right at twelve weeks. I don't mind, besides us dating it is important for you to know."
"I'd like to know everything about you and tell you everything about me." Drew smiles softly to me as we walk. "Sorry it is quite a walk to the enterance."
"You can't help all the parking spaces were filled." I laugh lightly. "I would like to know all about you too and I will tell you all about me. Guess we aren't doing a movie then?" I tease as the suspense has never been something I am good at.
"No. I wasn't sure what you may like to watch and the theater is typically full on a Friday night."
"Suits me just great too because I don't see how a movie is good first date material. I mean you want to get to know someone so I would think movies would be like later dates to be had not as the first one where you can't talk to them and spend most of the date time in a room with overly loud speakers for a minimum of two hours just around it with no talking."
"I agree." Drew chuckles. "So what would you like to eat?"
"You don't have it planned out?" I tease.
"I prefer having options because I am not picky and will eat something from anywhere."
We walk into the food area and there is once again many options to choose from. "Oh, what about there?"
"Nice choice." Drew nods as we walk to the Greek restaurant.
We talk while waiting to be seated as I learn many things about Drew. He loves the color orange which seem different. Learned about some funny times growing up with his siblings. Then he finds out about me and my past.
Our food comes and I can't help but smile at the smell of my moussaka. Taking a small bite makes me want more instantly.
"So have you started craving things?" Drew asks watching me with a smile.
"Hmm, I guess sweet foods. At first I thought it was because I wasn't allowed to have them."
"In that case, we need to make one extra stop tonight." Drew smiled.
"Oh no, it will be fine." I try to brush it off.
"Actually it's not fine, because I want you to have a good time and I happen to know this restaurant doesn't offer sweets since the older man retired."
"Only if you insist."
"I do." He smirks and we finish our meals.
Drew holds his arm out and I take my hand and wrap around his bicep once again. Once we walk back out of the mall type area and towards the trucks I can't help but ask. "What are we doing now?"
"I hope it is okay because I was thinking of something you could do and it be fun."
"Are you gonna tell me or do I just find out?"
"Maybe find out and see? If you truly don't want too then I will figure something else out." He rubs the back of his neck.
"I am sure I will enjoy it there isn't much I don't like." I smile.
"What do you not like?" Drew looks to me and I laugh.
"Clowns. It is the fact of not being able to see their faces I think that gets me. Just like I never did like Santa's at the store where other kids would go crazy over."
"Okay good. No clowns or costume people where we are going." Drew smirks.
He helps me in the truck and then we drive for a short time before stopping once again. "Like I said I will gladly do anything you want."
"Drew." I laugh and he blushes from the way the lights shine. "I will enjoy it no matter what because we are together. How about this, maybe I can plan a date for us if you still want to date me after this one."
"Why wouldn't I?" He finally asks.
"I don't know maybe there is something you don't like about me." I shrug and he stares at me softly.
"Adina, there is nothing about you that I don't like."
"Everyone has a flaw." I sigh and he nods.
"That may be true but I haven't found one with you, my little deer."
"I hadn't for you either yet."
"Been told I may snore at times."
"That is hardly a flaw." I snort and he laughs.
"I tap my fingers when anxious." I think of something I been told and would always get on Bradus' nerves.
"That is hardly a flaw either." Drew shakes his head with a laugh, using my words back on me. "See our little flaws mean nothing to either of us."
I can't help but smile.
"Come on then, I guess no more stalling on my part. If you don't like it then please be honest with me."
"Of course." I smile and he comes around helping me out of the truck.
We walk into the building and I laugh when it is a video arcade place. "Now this is cool."
"Ever played?"
"A couple times when I was a young teen and Jackson took me to one almost two hours from our hometown. These places are fun where you win tickets then try to get the large prizes."
"Great. Let's see what I can win you then." Drew smiles and we get wrist bands. "I was worried you would think this is to much like a kids thing."
"Never. Even though we are adults doesn't mean we can't have fun here too since some of the games are made for adults to do. Plus, some healthy competition is good."
Drew smirks and we walk through the overly large room.
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