32. Payback

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No one cannot wipe the smile off my face as I am officially Adina Maxwell

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No one cannot wipe the smile off my face as I am officially Adina Maxwell.

We have moved back inside the house and it smells of so many flowers as Tadana's friend truly had beautiful ones and for the price gave us so very many. Lillies and baby breath are placed through the house.

Evelin and Tadana stand at the counter and call Drew and I over first. "The newly married couple gets the first plate of food." I take a plate and then Drew does before everyone else starts getting one. We all sit around and talk while eating on the food that was made early this morning, a mixture of vegetables with barbque meat. It was a shock when Greg and Eager cooked the meat themselves through a majority of the night and this morning.

I keep looking over to Jackson and Drew whispers in my ear he told Jackson to propose too. So I am waiting to see if he does or not. I can't wait for my big brother to tie the knot with my best friend.

"How are you feeling today?" Sephia asks sitting on my other side.

"Good. Baby boy has been kicking up a storm today."

"Can I feel?" She asks and I nod. Her hands gently rub the bump and she is rewarded with a swift kick making her smile and laugh lightly.

"Have you and Drew picked a name out yet?" Chas asks from across the table.

"Adina has." Drew replies first.

"Please don't leave us hanging then." Chas smirks.

"Coming in January will be a little boy with the name, Henail Gregory." I smile and see Greg tear up some as it clicks.

"After me?" He asks and I nod as I look to Drew to see him smile.

"Yes, our baby boy will be named after my father and you." I reply as some sniffles catch my attention from behind me.

I turn and see Jackson has moved to be standing behind me and I stand up from the chair as I see tears in his eyes.

"Dad would be so happy to have a grandchild named after him." Jackson smiles and I hug him.

"I wanted the baby to have a piece of his grandfather that isn't able to be here on earth."

"But he is his guardian angel, Dear. I assure you he is smiling down on the both of you and Jackson." Evelin hugs Jackson and I, as my eyes tear up some from her words.

"Thank you." I whisper and then hug her tight when Jackson moved and wipes his eyes.

The food fills our stomachs but I am not yet satisified as I know that cake in the kitchen is going to be the star of the show for me today. Evelin and Greg made it yesterday and the flavor I let them choose for us since I couldn't choose and Drew was up for anything.

"Who is ready for the cake? I think a mama to be is ready." Evelin smiles wide and I nod quickly, making everyone laugh.

Drew takes my hand and helps me from the chair as we walk to the kitchen. He picks up the cutting knife and I place my hand on his as we slice through the soft sweetness. The frosting is a mixture of blue and white but smells of buttercream. As we take a small bite out and feed each other a piece, the taste of a light buttercream and almonds with cherries fill my mouth.

The moment is taking away when I can't help but laugh as I feel a smooth texture smears over my lips and the tip of my nose. "Drew!"

"Whoops." He smirks.

"Whoops my butt." I laugh and then pull him in to kiss him as it smears onto his own face.

"Now that was a fun payback." He laughs and then wipes my mouth with a napkin before his own when we broke apart from the kiss.

"I think it got up my nose though." I wiggle my nose around and can't smell anything but frosting. Everyone laughs and we spend the rest of the day talking and enjoying the company.

I watch as Jackson fiddles with his fingers and I get a glimace of something shining. It makes me smile wide and I notice Sephia doesn't notice as she is talking with Tadana and Evelin about the week coming up with work that she scheduled before the shop closed yesterday.

My fingers tap on Drew's leg since he has been attached to me since the ceremony and from the of my eye I see him turn his head my way. Jackson looks over and I wave my hands in the fast 'go, go' motion and nod my head with a smile.

He takes a deep quiet breath. "Sephia?" Jackson speaks after getting down on one knee behind her.

She spins and covers her mouth.

"Will you do me the honors of marrying me and making me the happiest man on this earth?"

"Yes!" She screams and then falls down into him. I watch as my brother places the ring on her finger and then look away when they kiss each other while laying on the floor. A round of clapping echoes around us as everyone congratulates them.

I take Drew's hand as we walk to the corner of the living room. I look over at everyone close to me and am so incredibly thankful that this is the place Jackson and I choose to stop in and make our new home.

"I love you Mrs. Maxwell and our little bean." Drew whispers in my ear as his hands rub over my bump.

"I love you so incredibly much Drew. Thank you for everything, you really showed me what love is and I will be forever thankful."

"I can't wait to show you more love tonight after everyone leaves." He smiles.

"Oh, I can't wait." I smile and kiss his lips.

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