10. Turkey

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To be teased can be fun but when not understanding feelings that are felt is something different

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To be teased can be fun but when not understanding feelings that are felt is something different. Mom was of no help as she just smiled wide along with Dad when she heard Dad teasing me once Adina left the bakery. I told them how I felt around her and they just smirked.


The name suits her well as she is a special person. That much I know just from how she has done so differently than some others have and while theirs stares bothered me to the point of bolting, hers did not and made me warm inside. There also seems to be a timid edge to Adina that I haven't put my finger on, it isn't so much shy as it is something in her eyes that I seen flash when we first met but it was gone before I could catch the full look.

"We are up." I breath as Lumie and I get into the ambulance for the eleventh time today.

Things have not slown down since the holiday like they normally would. No matter because this is one thing I live for.

Lumie turns the sirens on and we make way to the address gave from dispatch. I watch as we pass by different vehicles on the road and get into the mind set needed from the small amount of information given.

Lumie pulls up on the accident and I get out grabbing my bag. I walk up to the scene at a brisk pace but not at a run as it is one thing we try to keep from doing as many would panic to see someone in my position running. So running is for the very highest emergencies but a brisk walk is acceptable at any time.

"How are you doing today?" I round the car where I see an older man stuck. "Looks like we got to get you out of here."

"My leg is stuck under the steering wheel." He breaths a little heavy.

"The personnel is on their way with some cutting tools to get that out of our way. Would you mind if I check out this cut on your head until then?"

"Go for it. I am stuck anyhows." He sighs.

"Try to relax for me." I give him a smile when he looks over at me and feel his pulse racing as I check.

"I am still all up about how this happened. Damn, birds."

"A bird hit the windsheid?" I question just to get him to keep talking since the head wound is fairly deep.

"A damn turkey did. That is what made that hole right there. I lost control when slamming on the brakes." He points and I glance over and notice the bird in the seat of the car. "Nevermind that bird. It will make a fine turkey at Thanksgiving with a funny story."

"Uh. I am not sure they would let you keep that dead animal. Besides, by time we get you to the hospital and they check over you the bird wouldn't be good since can't get it clean."

He huffs. "Got the first turkey of the season and didn't even hunt it. If it wrecked my car, I don't even get to eat it."

I cover my laugh with a cough to the side of the car. Sometime people will say the strangest things. This time it is funny but nasty.

In no time, I got his head wound covered up and the others got him out of the car. Lumie and I take him to the hospital where his wife was already waiting for him having got called by Lumie when the man handed us the phone.

I fill out and finish my paperwork from this call and patient. The nurse takes her part and thanks me as it is finished on my end like normal.

Making way back out to the ambulance, Lumie is checking over and cleaning the items I had used.

"It is right at quitting time. The other guys have started taking over calls. All we got to do is make way back to the station." Lumie informs me.

"Great, well looking at the nurses board we still got a couple patients in the hospital."

"Let's go check up on them like we always do if we are here at quitting time." Lumie nods and we head into the hospital once again.

The nurse tells us to get something refreshing in the area for first responders and we each take a moment to get a drink of water. Before we walk and look at the board.

One patient is in recovery after surgery from a crash this morning early, so we will not bother that patient. Then a couple has already been discharged, which is even better. There is two here currently we brought in but we just brought the one in so Lumie and I go to the room where the one patient is still being monitored.

"It may be a good thing this one is still here." Lumie lets a breath out.

"Yeah it is honestly."

"This guy scared the absolute crap out of me."

"You drive the wagon." I look over to Lumie who smirks.

I knock on the door and hear a muffled 'come in'. Lumie opens the door and we step in.

"Good evening, we are just checking in with you to see how you are doing. We are the EMT's that helped you. Do you have a moment? It is okay if not." I ask from this side of the curtain like always since the doors are glass behind us.

"Sure, got all the time in the world since they won't let me go." The guy replies with a chuckle.

Lumie opens the curtain for us to step in and my breathing stops.

Three days. It has been three days since I have seen her beautiful face in person, but have definitely seen her face in my dreams. What wild dreams they are too while none were of the naughty type, but more of us just together the small interaction we have had on repeat.

"How are you feeling?" Lumie asks the man on the bed.

"Ready to get out but they want to monitor me until tomorrow with the concussion and my sister will not help me out of here."

"Honestly it is for the best. That was pretty bad from the looks of it." Lumie replies.

I think I forgot where my tongue is or how to talk. What is fate or whatever doing to me? I get sweaty hands and my stomach almost wants to swarm at the sight of her. Adina literally takes my breath away.

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