3. Fairytale

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I get back in the truck after turning in the motel key for the room I stayed in last night

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I get back in the truck after turning in the motel key for the room I stayed in last night. Words can't even describe the good sleep I got knowing there were over four hundred miles seperating me and Bradus.

"Come on up you go." Jackson picks me up into the truck.

"You know it isn't fair you being tall." I sigh when he gets in the truck and starts it up.

Jackson laughs. "That is where you take after our grandmother. I don't think you would remember her."

"Maybe? It is like when I hear her name or we talk about her just the scent of peppermint comes to mind."

"That is because she would be covered in it due to essential oils or always eating a peppermint candy."

We go down the road and get a breakfast plate from the local diner. The man places our food down then leaves us to eat.

"So I do really think I am going to move." Jackson starts.

"Jackson." I sigh. "You like your job to much."

"Adina." Jackson stops me from talking. "You are the only family I got left and I will not let you be in harms way either. Please, for me don't fight me on this. It is hard enough knowing what has happened and then to know I got a nephew or niece on the way. Let me help you, I got money and we could even find a town where I can work from a different branch or find a new job all together. I like the work I do not the actual place I work for, as the staff is a bore."

I can't help but laugh at how he frowns.

"Okay so what is so wrong with your current job?"

"None of them talk, like ever. It is literally go in and work then go home to nothingness, everyday is a repeat of the last."

"What happened to your friends?"

"You mean the ones that bar hop all the time? Not a lifestyle I prefer. None of them at the office were talkative either so never got a chance to know them enough to be friends." Jackson shrugs. "Then the two I had been close to for years, their jobs transferred them to other areas to far away, so they just text."

"You're not changing your mind on this are you?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Hmm." Jackson smirks. "No, but thought it be great to give you a heads up."

"Okay, what is your brilliant plan?"

Jackson smiles wide. "We just drive until you feel at a safe distance or pick a spot on the map and find the best looking spot."

"What about your apartment?"

"Adina, I don't own much never have as the apartment came furnished. So the two bags I got with me hold everything basically I got all of the items left I kept from our parents then my clothes, both bags go with me anytime I leave the apartment. Only thing at the apartment is some food in the cabinets and some hygiene items that I had stocked and a couple movies, all in all replaceable and not a meaning to me." He shrugs.

We eat in silence and then he looks to me. "All I want to do is help you and us at least live in the same town."

I nod and finish my bite of food. "I can understand and would like that living close again and not cross country."

Jackson smiles and takes the check as the waiter comes back by. He pays before we leave the diner and then get back in the truck.

"You literally pick anywhere." He hands his phone over. "Just set the coordinates and we will be off that way. Just going to get some gas down the road here. After that we can then take the roads until you decide on something to put in or we can just drive and drive."

I take the phone and go looking over different things with small towns in seveal states. While looking I see what they got available at least around close to the towns as Jackson gets gas and we just drive down some random road.

"So we just driving around then?" Jackson looks over to me.

"Yes because I just didn't feel it when looking at pictures." I shrug.

"Which direction?"

I simply point straight ahead. "Straight because there is no turn off here and I rather not go through the woods."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." Jackson then chuckles. "I wouldn't do that anyways and end up wrecking the truck."

"You and this truck." I smile and shake my head.

"This truck is my baby and the only large purchase I have ever made." Jackson pats the dash lightly.

"I think you need to get out more or something." I smile while shaking my head.

We turn the radio on and Jackson stops for lunch and gas. It has felt strange being so carefree and just free. Together we have drove through many little small towns but nothing has clicked for me and Jackson is insisting on it being my choice where we stop. Honestly, I would be lost without my older brother.

The trees seem to have been never ending but then as we slow down the trees break way. In front of us, lays a town that seems to be lively.

People walking on the sidewalks. It doesn't seem like the small town I been having in mind but it is like a little fairytale of it's own. Even the trees were keeping it hidden until right until you see stores and people moving about.


He hums and looks around at the red light.

"Stop here for a minute, please."

"Sure." He pulls the truck into a shop that is just past the light we were at.

I open the door and the scent of wild flowers fill the air. Slowly I spin looking at everything, there are so many different shops.

"Where are we?" Jackson asks when looking at his phone as he comes up beside me.

"I think I found my new home." I smile then look over to Jackson.

He looks up and around. "It is pretty sweet here. Not that small town vibe you were going for but it would make it easier blending in though."

We walk down the street and just look around before going back to the truck. Jackson finds the town on his phone and it isn't small but it isn't large like a city either.

"Where do we start then?" Jackson looks at me.

The question of the year.

"I suggest finding rooms to stay in." Jackson smiles then starts his truck up before we start to merge back into the traffic to find a motel to get our rooms.

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