22. Fractured

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A scream and loud banging make me jump from the couch I was sleep on

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A scream and loud banging make me jump from the couch I was sleep on. Looking around it clicks I am at Adina's.

My feet slip slightly on the carpet and my heart races as I make it through her bedroom door from the view I see before noticing a closed door.

"Adina?" I call out and knock on the door, that comes a little harsher than I meant to but I don't know what has happened.

Things have quieted down and it spikes my anxiety even moreso. Then my ears register the sobs from the other side.

"Adina?" I call her name softer and go to turn the knob on the door, just needing to know if she is okay or not.

"P-please I can-can't."

"Can't what, little deer?"

Her cries pick up even more and it breaks me inside.

"Are you okay?"


"Are you covered?" I ask just trying to be a gentleman, even if I could care less right now because I need to know what is wrong.

"Yes." She breathes out.

I push the door open fully and my eyes see her as she sits on the floor at the shower. Her hair is wet and a towel wrapped around her, but there are bottles that seemed to have busted open and even splattered onto her.

Crouching down next to Adina, she is breathing harsh as her cries are not letting up. Her hands are covering her mouth, as it seems she tries to fight against it.

"Breath for me." I whisper and move her hair back behind her.

My hands take hers and place them on my chest once more. I control my breathing and she starts to follow my movements, just as we have done once before. The tears still flow but at a slower pace than before as her breathing stablizes back to normal.

"There we go."

"I don't like to cry in front of anyone. I'm so sorry I woke you and it's so early in the morning."

"There is nothing wrong with crying in front of me, I'd rather help you all I can." I smile and my fingers brush her wet cheeks.

With Adina calming down, I look over her and see some blood on the side of her shoulder. "Can you turn towards me?"

She does but winces. My eyes see a gash there. I see some wash clothes above on a side cabinet, so I stand and grab a couple. Bending back down, I press them against the wound.

"Sorry." I whisper as she flinches.

"It's okay. I didn't even feel that."

My eyes go over the rest of her body and to her ankle. It is swelling with some discoloration.

"Okay, I am going to pick you up. Can you hold the cloth on your shoulder?"

Adina nods and moves her hand to hold them on her skin. My arms go under her and pick her up with ease. With her in my arms, I walk her to the bed and sit her on the edge to where her feet can't touch the ground.

"Wait right here." I smile and peck a kiss to her lips as I go to grab more towels.

With gentle touches, I wipe the soaps off of her quickly then look at the wound on her shoulder. I curse under my breath and press the cloth back against her. "We need to take you in for stitches this is fairly deep and we needed to get your ankle checked."

"Let me get dressed." She mumbles and goes to get up but I stop her.

"Tell me where to find the loose fitting clothes that you don't mind being trash."

Adina tells me and I gather it all up. Helping her dress, she keeps looking down.

"What had you up at two in the morning?" I ask once my eyes catch the clock on the nightstand.

"A dream. I woke up sweating so I took a shower then I guess water on the floor made my foot slide. Not sure how I caught my shoulder though."

"I can check out the metal frame. There may be a rough patch you caught on the fall down."

With her dressed, I slip my shoes on that I don't remember taking off and then walk to pick her back up from the bed. We get out the door and she tells me where her keys are, once I got her in my truck, so I rush back and lock up the house. The drive to the emergency room, she tells me about the dream and I listen to her closely while holding her free hand. Anger bubbles within me but I keep it pushed down for her.

"You are strong, please remember that. First thing when stores open, I will go find a proper bath mat for the bathroom that will not slide and you get hurt again like this."

She goes to object but I smile and shake my head. "I want you safe and not getting hurt anymore."

"Thank you." She finally gives me a small smile, but I can tell the pain she is going through as she winces if moving her shoulder or leg.

Once inside, a nurse takes her straight to a room since it is early morning. A doctor comes in and works on closing the wound but there was a small metal fragment in the injury that had to be removed first. The x-rays were done as they were working on her stitches, since they got a machine that is portable.

Throughout it all Adina will not let go of my hand, after insisting I sit beside her on the uninjured side.

"So you need to wear this boot for a good four to six weeks. The bone is fractured this time." The doctor announces and Adina breathes slowly through her nose as she lays her head back. "I'm not sure what the other provider was thinking before but the bone as injured as it was from the report you had in your purse, you should've wore the boot longer than you had to give the bone time to heal and strengthen up."

"Thank you Doctor." We reply together after he gives her the full instructions on what to do. Our breaths were easier when knowing the baby is fine since the fall didn't really jerk her around, nor happen on her stomach.

"Let's get you home and resting." I help Adina out of the hospital.

"I really don't want to close my eyes." She mumbles with a slow breath as I look to her. "I can't sleep after having a dream like that."

"If you're okay with it I'll stay with you."

"I'd like that." She nods slowly and it means so much to me she is going to let me help her.

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