6. Houses

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"Oh look at these

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"Oh look at these." Jackson smiles while we pull into a housing area. There are many different houses around but each looks to have a little back yard of their own.

Now this seems like fate that two houses for sale are side by side. If we like them we could be neighbors.

"Let's go look at them. That is the realtor there." I point out as we get out of the truck.

We had spent the rest of yesterday just looking around the town since I had slept in. Today we are looking at houses since I really do like this town. Jackson is fond of it too and keeps saying he isn't picky but that it is good for him to get out of the hometown he has kept living in where we grew up.

"Good morning. Are you Ms. Wheathers?" The man asks and looks at me in a kind way.

"Yes I am. We spoke on the phone last night."

"Yes and I have already compiled a list of different houses you and your brother may want to look at. I thought we would start here since you guys wanted to be close to each other and these houses are fresh on the market. An older couple lived in one and then had their daughter in the other one but when her mother passed she wanted to move."

We nod and he unlocks the first door. "This one has a nice kitchen as the other house has a smaller one. Both houses are up to date with the electrical work. They were older built houses and among the first two in this little complex."

I listen as the realtor talks and look through the rooms. We go over to the next house and do the same. All morning we follow the realtor around to various houses, but honestly the first two keep calling to me and Jackson keeps mentioning how these others don't have the yard space the first two have and it is something he seems happy about having.

"So any of these houses you like? If so I really need to put a hold on it because it has been a fast growing area lately with others moving in." The realtor questions.

Him and Jackson get to talking about the first two houses as I nodded to Jackson I wanted the one that has a basement and he wants the other. Plus, it would really work out because if I can't find a job then I could honestly make my own business right there at home maybe.

Jackson walks over to me where I sit in the truck just looking around. "We got ourselves houses."

I smile and clap my hands.

"Let's go to his office and get the paperwork done. The woman accepted our offer instantly so she signed the documents in advance. At the office I will do the money transfer and we will get the keys handed over to us." Jackson smiles while starting the truck up.

We make it to the office and it doesn't even take fifteen minutes before we are walking back out with keys and documents of our houses.

"You know we need to go buy furniture." I laugh when Jackson looks over at me with a wide eye look.

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