Snow and Cuddels - Zora ideale

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Word count:1333

Paring: Zora Ideale x reader

Summary: Snow day turned into cuddles with the best prankster who is allergic to wearing a shirt.

Warnings: Not much, cursing, mentions of colds and frostbite, maybe ooc Zora

A/n: Hello everyone, I hope you enjoy this. I am aware some of the bulls are not mentioned, i just couldn't think of what to have them doing. Also this is my first time writing for Zora so it may be a little off, I'm hoping with this event to write for more fandoms and maybe get some requests in as well, but who knows. Anyway, have fun, enjoy and remember to Hydrate or Diedrate.

Winter has finally arrived in the Clover Kingdom, and I couldn't be happier. Playing in the snow with friends and family, baking cookies and making candy, and drinking hot chocolate, just some of the many fun things to do when winter hits. And of course today was the first day that there was a decent amount of snow, and Captain Yami kindly gave all of us at the Black Bulls hideout the day off.

Charmy decided she's going to be baking and cooking all day, Vanessa is already passed out drunk, Magna and Luck are fighting over whatever one of them did this time, Gouache is well being Gouche, Gordon is trying to hang with gouache but is just being creepy, and Gray is hiding from everything. The more rambunctious and childish of the group were outside in the snow, this included Asta trying to get Noelle to participate in a snowball fight, Finral has made a snow person he's practicing his flirting with. That just leaves Me and my grumpy boyfriend who just wants to go inside because 'shit it's cold out here', I'm trying to get him to enjoy the chilly weather but Zora being well himself refuses to, I don't know, put on a shirt and try to enjoy this free time.

"Come on, Y/n why do you want to be out here it's freezing. Why don't we go lay down and cuddle? Or steal whatever Charmy has made for the day, we could also mess up Gouche's creepy sister shrine again." I turned to the red head slouched against the wall, rolling my eyes at him in response. "What are you even doing over there? It's just snow, what can you possibly be doing with it?" He asked, pushing off the wall, moving to look over my shoulder.

I lend further over my creation to hide it from him. "You don't get to see it until it's done. If you don't want to be out here, you can go in if you want. If you really want to mess with the others, have fun, I'm enjoying it out here." I tried to tell him he didn't have to stay out here.

"You know it's not as fun if you're not helping, plus you know where Vanessa hides her booze. Plus you could get sick if you stay out here too long." Zora said, still trying to see the snow creation I was working on.

"Why do you want Vanessa's booze? You know what nevermind with that, but seriously if you want to go inside you can, I won't blame you. I just hoped we could do something fun out here, instead of staying cooped up all day. And I won't get sick, I'll be fine." I said, leaning back to show him what I had finished making.

Zora paused processing the drawing I had carved in the patch of flat snow in front of me. It was a crescent moon along the side of one of his trap spells, to represent both of our magics, in the center was our initials. "I know it's cheesy and won't last long out here cause it will melt eventually, but it just popped into my head and I need to physically see it and show you. I was thinking we could maybe get it made into necklaces or something?" I explained my thinking. I hoped he understood what I was saying.

"It's amazing. But why draw it out here in the snow, if you want to get it made into necklaces or something you're gonna have to draw it again on paper, why not wait till you go inside?" He asked, looking at me quizzically.

I thought for a second before answering. "I just didn't want to forget it plus, I want to stay out here as long as possible. Since I finished, would you want to pummel Asta with some snow balls?" I asked knowing he would want to cause some kind of trouble.

He just groaned at the thought of being in the cold any longer. "Fine but after we bury him in the snow we are going inside and cuddling." He answered standing up straight and offering me his hand to help me up.

"Deal as long as we get Hot cocoa before cuddles." I started moving behind a tree close to where Asta was now trying (and failing) to build a snowman. "Let's hide from him here and make some snowballs, before we launch our attack." I said bending down and beginning to make some roughly ball shaped clumps of snow to throw at the young boy.

After about ten minutes of making and throwing snowballs at a screaming Asta, and him running over Finral. Zora and I decided it was time to go inside for the rest of the day and finally get some hot chocolate, mostly because Zora's chest was now bright red from being in the cold for so long while shirtless.

We made our way inside, snagging some cocoa and cookies from Charmy, before heading up to our shared room. I couldn't help but laugh as the normally grumpy and closed off Zora dropped onto the bed sighing while thanking whoever assigned our room for it having walls without cracks so the cold couldn't be felt inside it.

"You know if you put on a shirt you wouldn't be so cold in the winter right?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as I took a sip of my hot cocoa.

He just rolled his eyes standing up and taking his mask off, walking over to me. "If I wore a shirt, you would be robbed of the second best sight known to man. The first being your face after I do this." I was confused for a moment before he lent in, placing a kiss on my lips, before pulling away with a smirk. "See that's the face, all shocked and confused." He said turning back to the bed to pull the covers down. "Stop gaping like a fish and come lay down, I'm still fucking freezing and need your body heat so get over here." He complained, laying down on his side of the bed having taken off the rest of his flashy clothes opting for a pair of sweatpants, he's still shirtless but at least he's under the blankets.

I rolled my eyes moving to kick off my boots while hanging up my coat. Crawling under the covers I was met with very little warmth as Zora's ice cube off a body sapped all the heat from the bed. "Holy fuck Zora you're so fuckling cold." I said moving to cuddle up to him. "I wouldn't be shocked if you get frostbite or something, damn." He just chuckled but pulled me closer, sighing at the fact that I was at least a little bit warmer than he was. "Next time we go out in the cold, will you at least wear a coat, it doesn't have to be zipped just enough to keep your arms warmer." I tried to bargain with him.

He paused before responding. "Fine, but I better get cuddles anyway." I just nodded, now focused on warming him up while also trying not to fall asleep. "Go ahead and sleep. I'll be fine with you snuggled up to me being a space heater." He said, rubbing my head. Letting out a yawn, I mumbled a quick I love you before falling asleep. The last thing I heard was Zora's quiet response. "I love you, too, today was fun even if it was freezing." He quickly followed suit in sleeping.

The next day when we woke up it became apparent that Zora was right about getting sick staying in the cold. But finally the jokes on him, cause he's the one to wake up the sniffles and a slight fever. His pouting and grumbling could be heard throughout the hideout as he complained about it the rest of the day.

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