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Author's pov:

The stranger in their small cottage was fast asleep for hours. It was normal, so Y/N didn't bother waking him up for a while. Anticipating that he would wake up by dawn, she made sure to keep some food and water near the bed along with a note. His memory might be a little hazy and to prevent him from panicking on waking up in a completely different room, she considered writing the note before she left for work.

Y/N worked in a small shop which was owned by her family. The village had only a numbered shops with medicinal purposes and so their business thrived well. But her dream wasn't just restricted to working in a local shop. She wanted to give her assistance to the royal palace where she could help wounded soldiers after they returned from a battle. She also had so much to learn in this field and wanted to join the noble school of learning. It was difficult for a mere villager to enter, the chances were even more slimmer for a woman but she was determined to atleast try. She was ready to prove her worth but even the thought of going near the royal palace and facing the noble people gave her a rush of anxiety.

The man sleeping like a log stirred from his deep slumber on hearing the hustle bustle of the crowds outside the cottage. He groaned on feeling the numbness in his body.  Ignoring the weakness that came along, he sat up and looked around the unfamiliar surroundings. His face scrunched up on not recognising the place.
Where am I?

Trying to put pressure on his memory, he still failed to remember a thing that happened the day before.His eyes fell on the basket of fruits on the bed side and failed to notice the note kept behind it. Sudden hunger took over his senses but he knew better than to just eat whats infront of him.
These could be poisoned.

His senses alerted him when sudden footsteps approached the bedroom. Picking up the knife kept beside the basket, he curled his fingers around it and slowly stood up. The footsteps grew closer. Taking slow and calculated steps towards the entrance, he stood next to it and pressed his back against the wall.

The doorway was draped with curtains as well. The knob clicked open and his grip around the knife tightened. A figure entered and by the looks of it, it was a woman but the curtains made it difficult to have a peek of her face. She stepped inside, pushing the curtains away. A yelp escaped her mouth when she was suddenly manhandled with her arm twisted behind her back and a knife to her throat. The next moment she was pinned against the wall with a tall frame being pushed into her body.
"What!!?" She took a moment to let the movement sink in and looked at the man before her with widened eyes. His stone cold eyes moved back and forth, taking her entire face in. She looked familiar.
"What are you doing?"

Jungkook's pov:

She looks so familiar. I have seen her somewhere. But where? I didn't miss the irritation in her voice.
Why didn't her voice hold fear instead of irritation? A knife was right against her throat ready to slice through her soft honey like smooth skin yet she stood unfazed. It indicated one thing, she wasn't afraid of me. But why?

Also, I have to get used to the tone people use with me. I am not the king right now just a commoner but the edge in her voice made me want to set her right. Twisting her arm more, I glared at her. Earning another yelp from her, I asked." Who are you?"

"Can you let me go first?" Her head was rested against the wall as she tried to prevent any contact with the cold knife. I saw her throat bobbing up and down as she gulped. Trying not to focus on it for too long, I looked at her face again. She breathed hard as her chest heaved with a rise and fall motion making me feel the softness of her tender breasts.
What am I even focusing on right now?

"I mean no harm to you. Can you put the knife down?" Her eyes looked into mine with a silent plea. Those deep brown eyes held nothing but sincerity making me want to lower my guard. My grip around the knife loosened and I slowly stepped away from her ignoring a weird emptiness I felt at the loss of her warmth." You really dont remember anything. Do you?" She said while rubbing the skin around her wrist. It had turned an irritating shade of red. I gripped her too hard.

"I don't remember what?" I had been feeling a constant throbbing in my head ever since I woke up. I recalled going into the forest and taking a walk and then...... Snake!

I was bit by a snake.

"You were bit by a snake. I was around and helped you." She gave a brief description of the entire incident. I remember now!! Now that I think of it, I do remember talking to a blurry figure which I thought was a figment of my own imagination. So I wasn't hallucinating.

"What is this place?" I looked around the room again.

"This is my room. I brought you here."

"By yourself?" I couldn't mask the surprise in my voice. I am quite heavy. I'm aware of that and over the past three years, bulking up has added more to it. So it was a shocker that a petite woman like her was able to carry me here.

"I didn't carry you. I just acted as a support, you walked on your own." I do not remember that." Don't stress too much about it. The venom of the snake that bit you affects the nervous system. So your memory can come back soon by itself." She said when I clutched my forehead as the pain intensified.

"I'm fine. How long was I passed out?" I shouldn't be here. I had duties and had to fulfill them. Ji ho must be looking for me. Our visit to the next village will be delayed further if I don't move now.

"10 hours." A sigh left my mouth. How irresponsible of me! I was suppose to be looking around but here I was in a vulnerable state infront of a woman lot younger than me.

"I need to leave." I dropped the knife and was about to walk past her.

"I suggest that you rest for a day or two. If you're feeling physically weak, it can ger worse if you don't pay attention to yourself." She said politely.

"I'll be just fine." Another attempt to walk out but this time my own stomach betrayed me and growled loudly. I stood still like a rock for a few seconds. This was so embarrassing especially infront of a woman!!!!

"Are you hungry?" Even though my back was to her, I could sense that she was trying to control a laugh." I can bring you some food." I would have loved to see the look on her face if she knew who she was talking to. We both might not have realised it but we were talking informally to begin with. It isn't as normal, especially between the opposite sexes.
Everything aside, I was surely hungry. Should I take up her offer? What if Ji ho gets more agitated in my absence? I don't even know which part of the village I was in.
As appealing as it sounded to stay and eat, I had to go.
"By the way, your friend was looking for you." I instantly turned around. So many questions ran in my mind but before I could interrogate her, she began." He was the cause of a commotion in the market yesterday. He offered to give four gold coins in exchange of information related to a man whose description matched with yours. So I brought him here. He stayed by your side for a few hours before he went back to sleep in the inn." An 'Ah' left my mouth. It sounded like something he would do but was I really worth four gold coins?

Now I need not worry about him. Clearing my throat, I asked." Can I get some milk?"


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