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Jimin's pov:

His hand on my shirt goes cold, stiff, too heavy before it falls. I suddenly remember all those times when I wanted and asked him to shut up during training but he always turned deaf to my words, kept on blabbering, it feels too quiet now. A staggered breath chokes my throat before I huff it out. The way his eyes have lost their shine and just look straight ahead into oblivion makes me want to sob. Gently shutting his eyes close, I look away.

A table crashes behind me and I instantly stand up. Thats right, this is not the end. Its just the beginning of a holocaust, a crisis that will swallow many more lives, so much more bloodshed before this land can take a breath of relief.

Yura is on her knees, clutching onto her stomach, coughing hard. I've always hated this woman. From the moment I first looked at her, I knew she was trouble. Her eyes always held anger and so much pride that I'm surprised she didn't drown in it by now. That pride was just a face to an inner deep-rooted ego. She was an idol of grace and sophistication from the outside. You'd never see her eyebrows cave into a frown, lips twitching or her nose scrunching. Her posture was always perfect. I hated how made up it all was. Like she was being monitored all day, all night and was being tested for being the most perfect woman alive.

But that didn't mean she was a hollow shell. Oh, that was far from what this woman was, still is. People say when she was young, she was considered one of the most beautiful woman and several kings went crazy to marry her. People felt it was like a privilege to just get a glimpse of her. Just as she was gorgeous on the outside, the more evil she was on the inside. It was like she had no emotions. She almost killed a child for touching her arm in the temple, ran away from there and stayed in the lavatory for hours, scrubbing off the remnants of filthy poverty and the poor.

If she could, she would never let those common people breathe the same air as her. She hated anyone from a standard lower than her's and could do anything to stay in power. This woman was obsessed with control. It was like a drug to her. Not only anyone else, she didn't even spare her own son when it came to her profit. She never looked at Jungkook with a motherly warmth, always like a pawn in her little game.

Whenever she smiled, it felt so fake, never reached her eyes and it made my skin tingle with pure irritation and disgust. She might be the only woman I wanted to kill with my bare hands. These Royalties act all high and mighty, like this power they hold was just meant to be their's. Only a handful of them prove their worth, prove that this luxury and power isn't what they live for.
Rest of them are swines. Shred them of their little dollhouse, they wouldn't last a day.

I grab her by her arm and yank her up, no longer caring about her title. She gasps for air and winces, still clutching her stomach by her other hand. "How dare you push me!!?" she yells in her annoyingly high pitched voice.

"You're not in the position to question me!" I yank her and push her against the wall. She desperately tries to remove my hand from her arm, like the touch burns her. She's struggling hard but refuses to calm down. I seriously can't with her. After causing us such a big loss, she still doesn't feel the guilt in her bones. In just one night, my entire world flipped upside down. And by the time the sun rises tomorrow, many more will face the same dilemma as me. It fills me with so much frustration that the ones who did this to us are not even ready to acknowledge the wrongs they did. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!?" I finally yell my lungs out and she stiffens on the spot like a log.

I glare at her, my jaw locked so tight, I might crush my teeth. I want to do so many things but what tops the list is torturing her. Oh, I'd love every second of it. Just one look at her repulses me and now she stands just a few inches away after betraying her own son and doing something no one would ever think a mother can do.

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