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Author's pov:

How long has it been since she last cried? She doesn't remember. Maybe when her mother was diagnosed with an incurable illness. It wasn't the case that Yuki couldn't feel, it was rather, she was shut out all the time, her human interactions were so limited, she didn't get the exposure nor the luxury to know how to react to a situation. There would always be a conflict amongst several emotions and that in turn would start an internal war.

She was numbed for a while. If it wasn't for the dried tear stain on her cheek, she wouldn't have known it escaped in the first place. Why did I cry? The reason to it was unknown to her. It led to agitation. She hated how unaware she was of her own emotions. How funny! I feel something yet I don't know what exactly it is. I'm worse than a new born.

The incident with that man- Hoseok, thats what his friend called him, it lived rent free in her head. She hated how she couldn't stop thinking about it. The vulnerability, the feeling of being unsafe and the smaller person, it all was getting to her head.

He was the one being restricted in shackles yet there wasn't an ounce of desparation in his eyes. The glory of being a free man still stood there in his soul, reflecting through his eyes. Not to mention, his friend. Yuki wasn't used to such acts of selflessness. She's only seen people use each other for benefit.

"Argh!" She whined making her maid stop combing her hair and look at her with concern.

"Did I hurt your scalp, Majesty?"

"Just keep doing what you're doing." She sighed and the maid went back to gently combing her silky smooth hair.

One thing she openly admitted was she was intrigued. This wasn't going to be their last encounter and Yuki was one step away in making that come true. "Where is King Taehyung?" The words rolled off her tongue, leaving a bitter taste behind. Deep down something gave her the feeling Taehyung could never be a great king. It was a gut feeling. Namjoon would have been the best bet and even he knew that. Everybody knew that.
Only time will tell.

"His Majesty already left to attend the wedding of King Jeon of Busan." Her maid said monotonously.
Ah that completely slipped my mind.

"Who is he marrying anyway?" Yuki gently caressed her face with her calloused fingertips, looking at her reflection in the mirror.

"Its a commoner, Majesty." Her fingers stopped. "Even though I'm not sure, I believe her name is Jung Y/N. The servants keep talking about her."

"A commoner, huh." She looked at herself in the mirror, eyes carrying a glint she herself couldn't comprehend. "What an interesting young man he is..." A lighthearted scoff left her mouth as she shook her head. "Anyway, be done with this soon. I need to be somewhere." The soft expressions on her face were replaced by a mischievous look.


This time no one questioned as Yuki walked past the guards with slow and calculated steps. She stopped infront of a particular cell. It was mostly dark making it hard for her to see the men inside. She snapped her fingers and a guard hurriedly came with a lamp and stood beside her. Without looking she curled her fingers around the lamp stick and signaled the guard to leave.

"One won't find out how grave a threat is if not for going in despite fear. I would rather choose to be stupid than a coward." Angling the lamp, she came eye to eye with the man that had been living in her mind rent free. She didn't get scared nor did she back away when his figure emerged in the light of the lamp, closer than she anticipated.

"One can win a battle with that mindset, not a war, Princess." Hoseok cocked his head to the side, a lopsided grin on his face. He wasn't really the arrogant type but he got a kick in ticking this young woman off. If he was going to die anyway, why not die after fucking with a royal's mind.

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