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Author's pov:

Yuki stared at the stairs with a mixture of shock and intrigue. She looked behind. When she was sure no one was around, she slowly walked down the path.

A yelp left her mouth when the entry way began to close behind her making the staircase and the narrow walls shake. She quickly stuck to a wall and stayed till the movement stopped.

The question of how she'll get out surfaced in her mind making her worry but soon she shoved it aside. The passage was too inviting to go back now. It was as if something from the pitch black tunnel was calling out to her.

"I should have brought a lamp." She could feel her fight and flight hormones kicking in as she walked further. At a point she actually felt scared, seeing nothing but a never ending darkness.
How long is this tunnel?

Just when she was about to give up and turn around a flicker of light sparked at what seemed like the end of the tunnel. She narrowed her eyes and slowed down her steps.

When the view started to become clear, she pressed her back to the wall and pulled out a pocket knife. Grabbing it tightly, she began walking again.

Holding her breath she was ready to attack if something or someone was waiting on the other end.

A jail?

She let go of her rigid stance and looked around, confusion etching her face. The guards closest to the passage recognised her. "Your Majesty, you shouldn't be here."

Yuki ignored the guard and moved around the place, exploring. She noticed how long the dungeon was.
There are atleast more than a hundred men here.

Painful sighs and hushed growls came from the cells.

She wasn't surprised that her father had installed an Underground dungeon away from public eye. She knew her father was not a good person but what could she do about it? He was just human enough for his wife and no one else, not even his children. He always saw them as objects, vessels to attain greater power. His favoritism towards Namjoon had made the younger ones feel pathetic throughout their lives. If it was her or Taehyung who wanted to leave, his reaction wouldn't have been the same. He had a soft spot for the first born but that didn't stop him from using and exploiting Namjoon's abilities.

Namjoon's analytical skills always led to enormous profit in market. He was just eight when his father began taking him away for business, away from his mother. The child used to be homesick, missed his mother and siblings to death yet couldn't say a word. He wasn't allowed schooling. Why? He is too smart to sit among those naive kids. Those were the words of Kim Sehun. Namjoon was isolated his entire life with not a single friend. As Taehyung grew, Namjoon felt that it was his responsibility to look after him. All the good values that Taehyung showcases, they all came from his elder brother's teachings. It is understandable why Taehyung is still so bitter towards Namjoon.

Where did Yuki stand in all this? Nowhere. Being a girl already made her different but being average cut her off completely. She had so hidden talent, nothing to brag about. She wasn't gifted with an ability like Namjoon nor was she given the chance to explore like Taehyung. She used to just sit on the sidelines and watch her brother choose a sport for himself. She still remembers the day Taehyung tried Archery for the first time. He was so happy to hold a bow and arrow. The spark in his eyes when he shot it. Even though he missed the target, he was celebrating. He found something that made him feel alive.

Yuki was jealous. For once, just once, she wanted to feel that spark too. Whenever she tried to hold a weapon or try out a game, she was stopped. Princesses don't do such things. She was given a dollhouse instead. It was beautiful and big. She tried to find solace in the only thing her father gave her. When she used to make the doll sleep on her tiny bed, her thoughts wandered off to how lonely the doll must be feeling to live alone in that big house no matter how beautiful or expensive it was.
No one to talk to. No to care.

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