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Y/N's pov:

The weather worsened twofold paving way to an incoming storm. Everyone was advised to stay put inside their houses and keep the doors and windows closed. The castle was shut close too. Despite it being gigantic, I felt suffocated inside its walls.

I walked in circles around my room clutching onto my chest. The unease hasn't quietened down even a little, it only grows like the plague. I was so out of it I didn't even realise I clutched the letter in my fist so hard it was at the verge of crumble. Looking at it, I felt my nerves stretch out painfully in my body, the worry growing into plain horror. The bile in my stomach churned, the acid rising up in my throat making me want to puke out whatever I ate for lunch.

This wasn't normal. I had no reason to be so paranoid yet I was. And everything around me seemed to be justifying it all. The gloomy sky, the thundering clouds, the merciless rain pouring down without taking a breath of relief, the chaos in the castle, the rivers overflowing posing a threat of flooding, the letter in my hand. Every damn thing pointed at just one thing.


The pipes in the castle burst open due to pressure the heavy flow of water brought. Jungkook was with me this entire time, taking care of me like an extremely loving father to a child throwing a baseless tantrum. He wasn't getting annoyed or agitated by my over reaction to everything thar went down this evening. He stood through it all, comforting me. His presence alone was like a warm, soft hug and it was working to calm my nerves only till he had to leave to examine the pipe burst. Ever since then, I was at the peak of my so called tantrum or mood swing.

I couldn't believe my brother was alive. Two years ago, to save my own heart from a terrible heartbreak, I assumed he died. There was no sign of him. When no more soldiers came back, I had started to lose hope. Having hope and expectations opens doors for disappointment and heartbreak. I stopped expecting his arrival ever since.

I was closer to him than I ever was to our father. A father who didnt even show interest in his daughter's life after she left. He didnt even show up for our wedding. It truly made me feel like a liability to him, that giving me away was like a sigh of relief one puffs after chugging cold water on a hot summer day. He must be living a great life with three more pieces of land that he asked for from my dear husband, and him being the nice person he was, Jungkook didnt even refuse (for which I was very displeased with him. I made it very clear to him if my father asks for something ever again, bluntly refuse. Jungkook was smart to know my father was trying to make the most out of marrying his daughter to the king but he still respected him for whatever unknown reason). That man now had enough money to provide employment to more people. I don't know if its true but there were a few rumors about him remarrying to a girl lot younger.

Initially, it had shocked me cause that didnt sound like the person who was happy with me trying to earn for the house or the person who used to be considerate of my profession and learnt a few things about it to help me but then I made peace with it. Even the smallest thing could set him off and he'd give me silent treatment for weeks and same goes with joy. He mostly lived in his own world and made everything about that world, even his assumptions but applied it to the real one. He never hit me or shouted at me but his words did enough damage that his fist could never come close to. I no longer wanted to indulge in his life. We were now two separate people with very different lives to live. I had nothing to look back at and be happy about it, except my brother. Even though he was one of many men who refuse to say sorry or admit to their mistakes, Hoseok was kind at heart. If he knew he did something wrong, he'd do everything else to make up for it other than apologizing which sounds weird but it was a normal for us.

Hoseok was neutral. Not very cocky or sassy, not overly sweet. He was a different person with different people but just to any sister, he was an annoying elder brother I couldn't do a thing about when he troubled me. Even though father had nothing but praises for him even when he was young and hadn't accomplished anything, he had a sort of dislike towards him that I couldn't understand. While I tried to please that man with everything I could, he wanted to defy him at every step. Sometimes, I got angry at him for he got all the attention from father from which I only asked for a fraction but the irritation wouldn't last long because Hoseok loved to pamper me in his own way. He'd never admit to doing something, like bringing me my favorite flowers, keeping in mind the broken pot that I had painted and bringing me a new one from another land where he went for work purposes. He liked to annoy me saying he'd do nothing if a huge man with rusty clothes and curly beard takes me away at night in my sleep. He was the same boy who almost broke a boy's arm while he twisted his ear at the same time when that boy confessed his like towards me. The poor boy was only nine while I was seven.

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