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Author's pov:

Y/N walked through the busy streets humming the tune of a catchy song she heard on her way to the shop. Stepping inside, she kept the basket full of herbs on a table and loosened her apron. Removing it from the neck, she kept it aside. Sighing heavily, she decided to grind some paste as there was no sight of a costumer.

She herself noticed that she spaced out a lot these days, mind going to a certain someone but conscious too stubborn to admit thinking about him. Many thoughts like- has he recovered? Did the tonic help? Did he even drink it? Was it really too bitter for his taste? And many more spiral of questions kept her occupied to focus on anything else.
It annoyed her.

He acted like a rude arse, nothing close to a gentleman yet she was thinking about him. In the last two days, she hit her head multiple times to get her mind straight. This wasn't her. Nothing close to how she would react if it were someone else.
What was different about him anyway?

You should stop thinking about him, Y/N. That was your last encounter with him. You'll never see him again so think of it as a mere incident and keep going on with your life for he wouldn't even have given you a single thought.

The woman was too occupied in her thoughts when a thud outside the shop caused her to flinch out of her fantasies. Slowly getting up from the chair, she approached the window to take a look.
"What happened?" She mumbled to herself.

What she saw left her quite surprised. The man that had been living rent free in her head was trying to peek inside the shop while she stood near the window, out of his sight. It was quite a funny scene, his head popping inside while her's was outside.
She wanted to laugh at how he was struggling to hide his entire body behind the brick wall with only his head out. Then the incident flashed before her eyes making that smile disappear.
Also, how did he find my shop?

"What are you doing?" She said, finally breaking the silence. He flinched, not expecting to hear her voice but tried his best to cover it up. Uncertainty and embarrassment was oozing out of his body as he stood infront of her on the other side of the window. This gave her some sort of confidence causing her to stand tall and cross her arms under her chest. He looked into her eyes before looking away. She was sure his eyes momentarily dropped on her cleavage but he looked away too quickly to point it out.

"I got hurt." He folded the sleeve of his shirt and pointed towards his forearm. A fresh deep cut lay on the skin with blood oozing out. Y/N quickly uncrossed her arms, startled by his casual demeanor.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Urgency laced her voice as she quickly stepped out of the door and walked towards the silent man. Holding his muscular arm she pulled him inside the small shop. His eyes landed on her hand coiled around his bicep, not even fully able to grasp it. She did it so naturally and he let her.

Making him sit on a chair she moved around the place to gather first aid. Coming back she sat infront of him." This is going to sting a little." She warned before cleaning the blood with cotton. She held his arm softly as if it were a delicate fragile flower. After the blood was cleaned, the antiseptic was slowly and carefully applied on the wound. She could very well feel his eyes constantly following her but she chose to ignore it. She was surprised that he didn't hiss or even flinched throughout the entire process as if he couldn't feel any pain.

"Its done." Finally looking up into his eyes, she wanted to look away instantly. There was something very intimidating about him. Also, his eyes held some sort of fire that scared and excited her at the same time." Make sure the wound doesn't come in contact with water and dust for a day or two. It'll heal soon." Too weak to hold eye contact, she looked away while clearing her throat." May I ask, how did you get this wound?" She asked as politely as she could. Who knows what could make him snap." It looks like a sword slash."

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