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Author's pov:

Y/N rushes out of her room making the door slam behind. She clutches onto the paper tightly and looks around frantically.
Jungkook! I need to find Jungkook.

She begins running through the hallways, her dress not being able to waver her speed. She needed to find him as soon as possible and tell him about this. This just changes everything for her. Her brother, he was alive! She needed to see him. She hadn't seen him for so long. Did he change? His appearance? Did he grow weak? She needed to see if he was okay and that he comes home safe. She could no longer care about anything else.

On the other hand, Yuki jumps on the horse and pulls at its leash. "Hya!" It sneers loudly and begins running. She no longer wanted to entertain the thoughts like 'why', the only thing she could think of was that after so many years she had mustered up the courage to do something that hinders her daily rhythm and it made her feel alive. She had almost forgotten the feeling of that adrenaline rushing through her veins. It really made her reflect on how she just accepted everything that was thrown at her. She never fought back and tried to make a change.
She wouldn't sit back now. She would do what her heart told her to. And it told her to go save that man.

The horse increases its speed almost making the surroundings blurry. She almost felt like a lightening bolt, faster than the speed of light. She clutched onto the leash harder, her sword tightly tied around her waist, the material of the armor keeping her skin warm in the chilly weather. She didn't know she had it in her to steal an armor from the arsenal with such heavy guarding. Well, you'll never know untill you try to do it. She also managed to get a glance on the pin markings on the map. She knew exactly where Taehyung was taking those men but she had to cross borders to reach that place. Did that scare her? No.

It only made her resolve stronger. Taehyung was planning something big and dangerous. Even though Namjoon didn't want to support this, he'd always willingly choose to be on his younger brother's side. His guilt played a huge role in that decision. And with Namjoon by his side, an absolute genius, Taehyung was invincible. Her chest tightened as she clenched her jaw, her eyes narrowing down on the path that led her to the forest.
I won't let you have your way, brother.

"Where is King Jeon?" Y/N demands from the maids that were about to walk past her.

"His Majesty is in the fields-" Y/N doesn't wait for her to continue her sentence and swooshes past her. Her training seemed to be paying off for she wasn't getting tired from all the running and heavy weight. Or maybe it was just desperation.

She could see his figure from far, his advisor, Ji ho, standing beside him. They seemed to be waiting for something or someone. The weather did quiet down a bit but the heavy clouds still wandered in the sky. It could rain any minute.

She takes in a sharp breath before moving her legs again. Just as she was nearing him, she could see the figure of Jimin approaching him from the opposite side. He was on his horse with a few other men. Quickly getting off the horse he rushes to reach Jungkook. They almost reach at the same time. "Majesty!" He heaves loudly.
"Its not the Yon village." Y/N stands quietly but gets restless by the passing second.

"What could it mean-" Jimin quickly cuts him off.

"He's taken over the tribals near Yon's border." The shock seems to stiffen the three listeners. Momentarily, Y/N forgets about why she came here in the first place.

Jungkook couldn't utter a word.
Tribals? Did Taehyung truly hold the capacity to over take atheist's lands? No one in history even thought of doing something like that. Those people weren't violent and ferocious without a reason, they never got themselves involved in any of the kingdoms matters. But the stories of how some people crossed their lands and were never seen again reflected clearly on how they could turn predatory if need be.

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