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Author's pov:

"I'm s-so so sorry." Her body caves in with guilt, her eyes refusing to meet his.

"What? What are you- what do you mean, Miho?" He asks urgently and with care. Seeing her cry was one of the last things he ever wanted to witness. And he could tell it wasn't a normal cry, it was a cry of misery. He straightens her up by her shoulders forcing her to look at him.
"What are you talking about?"

A hiccup leaves her mouth, tears streaming down her face nonstop. She shakes her head vigorously, avoiding eye contact. "Please, forgive me."

"Miho, what the hell are you talking about!?" He yells, growing agitated. The storm inside him hasn't calmed down and her behaviour was only adding to it. Something was wrong.

She aggressively wipes her tears but it doesn't help as many more take their place. Taking in a deep breath, she tries to speak. "Jimin-" she desperately holds his arm with both her hands. "-please, lets just go." And she begins pulls him with her.

"What? Miho!" He was beginning to lose his cool. Why couldn't she just explain herself instead of talking in a cryptic way? Just a few steps with her and he realises she has no intention of stopping. Sliding his arm out of her hands, he stops walking.

"Jimin, please!!" If it were some other day, if he heard her plea to him with such desperation, he would have given in without a second thought to no matter what she asked but not today, not now, not when her eyes brim with guilt.

"What did you do, Miho?" He asks calmly, honestly ready to forgive her no matter how grave the mistake would be but the more she stays quiet and wails like a helpless child, that decision of his starts to crack. "What. Did. You. Do. Miho?" He drags every letter, his eyes narrowing into cold daggers. Even though he didn't want to, he had to be hard with her if the soft way wasn't going to work.

"I- I didn't d-do anything, I swear." She backs away with her hands up in the air as she shakes them vigorously. When he stays quiet, her lower lip trembles hard, a sob choking her throat. "I swear, Jimin. I can never to anything wrong with my hands. I-its just p-physically impossible for me."

His face doesn't crack, his eyes still judging her, a vein popping in his forehead from the anger he should be feeling. "I would have believed you, Miho." He pauses giving her some sort of hope. "If it wasn't for the guilt drowning you." Her eyes flicker with realisation.

Why was she crying? It was because of what she had done, it was because this amazing man infront of her would never forgive her for doing that. Hell, she wouldn't be able to forgive herself, she could never expect it from him.

A loud sob erupts from her throat as she covers her face with her hands and cries into it. "T-they just a-asked me t-to take y-you away." Her words almost incoherent.

"Speak properly!!" She flinches violently, instantly standing straight, scared. He had never spoken disrespectfully or even loudly that it took her breath away now. Even if it was for a fleeting moment, just for a little bit, she selfishly wanted to see her Jimin, not General Park but she didn't have it in her to voice it out. She was at fault, she couldn't ask for good treatment even if its her lover interrogating her.

"I-I was asked t-to take y-you a-away from the castle, so you won't become an obstacle." His aggressive breathing suddenly becomes too shallow, too quiet that it scares her.

"Won't be an obstacle to what?" He stares into her soul while she just whimpers like it physically hurts her to say it.

"Jimin, please." Her plea seems to have no effect on him. "Lets just get away from all this. You'll always be in danger. I-I just don't w-want to lose you. Not again, Jimin. Please!" She dares to hold his cold hands in her shaking ones. "The royalty will keep on getting into mindless wars. Its us who become prey to it." Her grip grows desperate wanting him to understand her point of view. "There's nothing wrong in walking away, Jimin. Please. Lets leave to somewhere far away from here, build a life from scratch. You and me. Just like you wanted. Just like we wanted."

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