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Y/N's pov:

Was I hearing things? Or did he just ask my father for my hand in marriage? He asked or was he demanding? Cause his tone didn't hold politeness or even a doubt of rejection.

My eyes were almost bulged out of my sockets. While this was shocking for me, I couldn't even imagine the surprise my father would be experiencing. He just sat still for a while. Not minding his state of shock, Jungkook unforgivingly stared at him, while my presence wasn't even acknowledged.

"I- I think I heard wrong, Maj-"

"You heard me just fine, Sir. I asked for your daughter's hand in marriage." His poker face was adding to the agitation we both felt. Someone tell me this is a dream, cause I don't know how to feel about this. Happy, that the man I've had romantic feelings for wants to marry me or scared, that its the King we're talking about and its basically forbidden to marry commoners.
Everytime the royals fought for love, a war arose, be it within the kingdom or against other kingdoms.

"But, Your Majesty, she isn't any princess but a mere farmer's daughter."

"I'm aware." His unwavering stare was unnerving. It was hard to point our what was going on in that head of his.

My father chuckled nervously. Then he chuckled in disbelief, then in surprise, and finally in delight. I was getting concerned by the range of emotions he showed in a matter of a few seconds.

"My daughter? Oh, it would be a privilege if you choose her." 'Choose' her? So I wasn't going to get a say in this? Who was I kidding? Women never get a say in such matters.

But that didn't mean I wasn't going to try.
"Are you not going to ask me?" I directed the question towards my father. From the corner of my eyes I saw him turn to me and my confidence wavered.

Bewildered, father quickly stood up and hushed me. "Quiet, Y/N!" He gave me a glare causing me to shut my mouth. The moments when father lost his temper on me were rare and so I wasn't really accustomed to reacting to them. Looking at my feet I just bit my lip.
Father chuckled again. "Don't mind her, Your Majesty. She is still naive, doesn't know how to act infront of royals." He was trying so hard to please the king. I couldn't blame him. Who would like to get on the wrong side of the Royals?

"Should I take it as a 'Yes' then?" I glared at him from the corner of my eyes.
Why are you acting like you were here, asking for permission?

"Oh- Yes. Yes. I can't believe this is actually happening. The King wants to marry my daughter!" He smiled ear to ear.

Jungkook cleared his throat and stood up from the sofa. "Very well, then. Please prepare her for the travel to the palace." He strides towards the exit and father bows in respect.

"Wait, I-" I try to initiate a talk with him but he just ignores my word, walking past me and out of the house.
Okay! Fine! I get it. He is mad at me but this is not the way!! I try to follow him but was stopped with a hand grabbing my arm.

"Y/N! You really need to work on the way you address him. Informally? Really? I understand its weird that he is the same man who stayed here but get used to it. Your one mistake can cost us a lot." He scolded. "Don't repeat this again. Always keep in mind that he is the King before opening your mouth. We can't afford to offend him."

"And you can afford to send me away as an object?" It was a rude remark, something I thought I wasn't capable of doing, especially against my own father but the fact he didn't even hesitate once had left me baffled. I'm the one who's suppose to go there and live with him and no one thought it was important to ask for my consent.

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