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Jungkook's pov:

Every cell in my body wishes.....it yearns for it to turn out that way.

"I belong to the royal family of Busan and hold the title of the King."

I, very badly, wanted the chance to have spoken those words but it was snatched away from me and I couldn't help but think, how this would have turned out if only I told her first?

The frozen soldier recovered from the shock and immediately walked near me, wanting to rectify his mistake of not acknowledging me before, which was the biggest mistake he was about to commit, and he bowed.
"Your Majesty!" He yelled like any soldier does and everyone around us stopped moving. I shut my eyes close.

The other soldiers quickly got down their horses and joined the one standing infront of me, yelling in unison. "King Jeon!" I felt Y/N's grip on my arm loosen. How badly I wanted to put her hands back on me!

For the first time in my life, I did not like being honoured. My rightful title, my identity......I suddenly did not want it. It made my chest feel heavy with negative emotions.

I was a person who was alienated from the feelings of fear and panick. Now I felt it, to an intensity, I never wanted to feel it again. I was afraid to even open my eyes. I did not want to see it for myself.
But I had to.

All eyes on me.

Every single person in the crowd was looking my way. Some were baffled, some confused, some shook, even enthusiastic to finally see the king in person. When my eyes fell on Y/N, I couldn't decipher the emotions floating in her eyes. Her eyes were widened, mouth slightly agap. It would have been a comical look if it wasn't for the horror in her eyes.
She looked at me like she didn't even know me.

The public began swarming me, enthusiastically shoving sweets, fruits and other things my way, but the barrier formed by the soldiers around me prevented them from stepping closer. People pushed past each other while Y/N absentmindedly let herself be pushed away from me.
"Your Majesty, you finally graced us with your presence!"

"The king is so beautiful."

"Now I see why he got so angry on that soldier."

"Please prevent a war from breaking out!"

"Please have this home made sweet, it is a symbol of good fortune."

It was funny how no one cared about the man on the ground.
It was funnier that I couldn't focus on anything else but her. Everything else seemed to have blurred out while I stared at her, pleading silently, asking for just one chance to explain myself but she was too absorbed by the shocking reveal.

"Majesty, it isn't safe for you to stay here anymore." One of the soldier said. I didn't mean to be sour towards these men, they were just doing their job but at the moment I just needed someone to put the blame on. It was a futile attempt in trying to make my chest feel a little light.....but it clenched tighter when I saw the realization in her eyes.

Those pretty Bambi eyes numbed.

And she ran.

My heart was stuck in my mouth as I saw her back slowly disappear and I couldn't do a thing to stop her.
She never looked back.


Author's pov:

She ran all the way to the cottage without taking a moment to breathe. Her limbs ached, breathing became irregular, eyes became watery from the wind directly pinching her eyes....but she did not stop till she reached her room and locked the door. She slid down on the floor against the door and hugged her knees.

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