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Author's pov:

The public was beginning to get out of control and in a way, Y/N understood their growing rage. Forcing you to stay silent with your hands tied and watching the world crumble down to nothing is not something that would bring a calmed reaction out of you. It will set every cell in your body on fire and you'd dance on pure rage and destructive anger.

She was beginning to feel the same way the people felt. The sun was falling down in the horizon when she stood on her window and watched the protestors/ normal people rain the main gates with stones and fire balls. While in earlier days she'd get involved in the blame game, blame herself for everything and drown herself in guilt, this fine day she felt like a part of that crowd. Those people were the ones who could be truly tagged as helpless. None of the decisions they made were going to bring about a massive change. The only thing they could do was shout their lungs out and get themselves noticed in some sort of way which was exactly what they were doing.

Her world was at the edge of a never ending cliff. Just a little push, a trigger, was needed to have it smashed to ruins, yet she found herself helpless. She wanted to do so much, that too instantly, to see it have effect right in the moment that she found herself doing nothing at all.

She was hanging by a fine line of patience. One side would result from an impulsive decision which was so much more tempting, while the other was the result of a patient mind, a layed out plan to have everything favour their side. She was crazed with a rush to blindside patience and be useful to her husband and the kingdom and even avenge her brother.
The fact I realise this and am not taking a decision in haste means I'm not losing it completely, right? She thinks to herself.

In a twisted way, she somehow understood Taehyung too. A single incident holds the power to shake a person's belief, to change those beliefs to an intensity that the person's view point shatters, redefines and then evolves completely. They see the world from a different lens, no more reminiscing about the lens that broke apart.

Hoseok's death was that incident for her. She could no longer justify the love she once had for Taehyung. The roots of their relationship were too blurred out, too shallow, too naive. While remembering all the moments where they laughed together, they made her frown now, where they talked for hours made her want to roll her eyes. She was infact disgusted to ever have a connection with that man.

The Taehyung of the past felt like an illusion created to woo her in his traps and it almost seemed to have worked, even when the entire world was giving up on him her belief stood unwavering, until it wasn't. This, this is the real Taehyung and she has nothing but unwavering hatred to give him.

She didnt have the courage to lift up the cloth to see their faces. They'll be etched into her memory and it wouldn't take long before they turn into her biggest nightmares, fears, regrets. Looking at the bodies of those unknown men, she felt like being swallowed into a pit of darkness where several demons awaited her presence. They whispered into her ears, the things that she'd hate to listen but were truer than god's faith. They smiled at her, they laughed at her, mocked her. They didn't even have to touch her to give her the taste of death. And the biggest demon of all was him. Sitting atop a throne in all his glory like he ruled that world. His chin high and pointed with his eyes narrowed as he stared right into her scared soul. She found herself in the heart of the hall, the dark walls crumbling bit by bit, the ceiling cracking up little by little and the scrutinizing and agonizing voices and some distant whispers of those demons shrinking her presence into a tiny being.

"This is all because of you."

"Why don't you come with us?"

"End their misery."

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