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Author's pov:

Min Yoongi. The only person around whom Jungkook always stood on guard. They weren't on bad terms but they weren't on good terms either. And that didn't really help Jungkook know where he stood with this stone cold guy.

Gyeongnam was the largest amongst the three neighbouring kingdoms while Busan being the smallest, land wise. But still Busan was considered one of the strongest. In the history of wars, it was taken seriously when one broke out.
Man power wasn't the only thing necessary to win a war.

Min Yoongi had no real friends nor did he share a deep bond with his own blood. He just had comrades. He surely was wise and responsible towards his kingdom and its people but his nature of being impartial and absolutely practical made the people around be wary of him. He didn't believe in making decisions by being driven by emotions. It was crazy but it made his kingdom stable, so there were no questions being raised about his methods.

"King Yoongi?" He sipped on the fruit juice and turned slowly. His disinterest in being here showing in the way he carried himself.

"King Jeon." He nodded his head slightly in acknowledgement, going back to relishing the drink. "Oh." Pulling the glass away from his mouth, he spoke. "Congratulations."

Jungkook pursed his lips a little. Kick starting a conversation with this fellow was more difficult than winning a hand to hand combat with Jimin. Yoongi wasn't being rude, he knew. It was just the way he was. "Thank you. I would like to talk to you about something. May I?"

"Go ahead. This is your place, I'd have to listen anyway " he shrugged.

"I would like to offer you a deal. In exchange of rice export I'd provide you with -"

"Is that Kim Namjoon?" Yoongi looked over Jungkook's shoulder. "What is that lad doing here?" Jungkook blinked twice. Yoongi's attention span was questionable. He reluctantly walked along with Yoongi towards the Kim brothers.
"Its a surprise to see a aristocratic hater present in a gathering full of aristocrats." Yoongi titled his head by a millimeter.

Namjoon was quite surprised to hear the emotionless voice which still carried a sarcastic jab. Taehyung was just as confused as Jungkook while Namjoon looked at Yoongi wide eyed before his face became neutral.
"I'm here as an advisor to the King of Ulsan who also happens to be my younger brother. So..." He trailed off.

"Ah." Yoongi gazed at Taehyung. They exchanged a few greetings. "I've heard a lot about you from Namjoon." Taehyung's confused eyes met his elder brother's. Before he could utter a word, Yoongi cut in. "Didn't he tell you? He stayed in Gyeongnam while he was away from your Kingdom." Jungkook could tell Yoongi liked Namjoon. This was the most talkative he had seen him. "I even asked him to make that place his home but he had to return for some reason. I must tell you, he would have been my biggest asset." Taehyung nodded subtly, eyes going unfocused, mind getting dazed.

Jungkook nodded his head to himself, getting the answer to the question of why Yoongi liked Namjoon. Yoongi had great admiration towards extraordinary minds. Not 'people', just 'minds'.

Before this topic could escalate, Namjoon changed the subject. "King Jeon, how did you meet your to be bride? If you don't mind me asking."

"I don't mind at all. In contract, I'd choose to boast about her." Now the group's entire attention was on him. "I went away from the Castle for travel and while travelling a certain village I chose to wander in a forest." He did a quick eyebrow raise, mocking himself. "I got bit by a snake and fortunately enough, she was around. Even more fortunate, she was a doctor." A wee smile on his face, almost going unnoticed. "She took me to her home and treated me without knowing my identity and the next moment I knew, I was in her apron pocket." A chuckle was heard from Taehyung while Namjoon smiled.

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