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Author's pov:

Castle of Ulsan:

Taehyung walked into the enormous library filled with books upto two storeys. His mother always had keen interest in literature so the king, his father made sure to provide her with everything she needed to fulfill that interest. The king had grown old but he still stood straight despite the weight of the responsibilities on his shoulders. He spent his free time in the library inorder to feel closer to his wife. No, she wasn't dead, but extremely ill. Seeing her laying on her bed without moving or opening her pretty eyes to look at him made him feel helpless despite being the most powerful in the kingdom. She had a rare disease which affected her immune system adversely and as a result she was barely seen outside her room.

"Father?" He stood infront of the king who held an open book and eyes glued to its thin pages. He wasn't reading, just reminiscing the olden days. He noticed the pages becoming more wrinkled and delicate.....just like her.

"Come sit, my son." He didn't miss the heaviness in his father's voice and sat down across him.

"You called for me?" Despite the very well known love he had for his wife, Kim Sehun couldn't manage to be closer to his sons. It was rare for him to address  them as 'son'. He only realised their existence when it was related to the throne or the kingdom.

"Yes, I did." He closed the book with a sigh and kept it on the table infront of him." As you know, I'm growing old and your brother proved to be a coward, its time you step forward to take up the throne." A muscle in his jaw ticked when he talked about his first born. The king had developed a certain dislike towards the elder son when he refused to take up his responsibilities, making Taehyung his favorite child." You shall lead the soldiers through the war."

Taehyung tensed on his place at the mention of war. He knew no matter how much training he did, he'll never be prepared to lead a war just after being announced as the king. His heart wasn't strong to bear seeing the blood of his men. The thought of that blood being called as a 'holy sacrifice for their Kingdom' made him want to vomit his gut out." Why is there a need for a war? Can't we find a more peaceful way to resolve this, father?"

"That arrogant King of Busan refused to marry your sister. Refusing was fine but he humiliated me by rejecting the proposal so harshly. He will have to face consequences for his actions."
So you're sending your men to be killed just because your ego got hurt?

"Don't you think, calling for a war is even harsher than that? So many will lose their lives and you are also cutting off supply of food for other kingdoms. Those people are innocent."

"Display of power is necessary, Taehyung. You won't understand it now. If the people of my own kingdom began thinking that I could be easily stomped on, they'll lose faith in me."
You aren't making any sense, father.

After talking to his father, he felt heavy. There was something about power and dominance he didn't understand or just didn't want to understand. Nevertheless, he had to get used to it. There was no way out of it.
There was so much on his mind that he couldn't concentrate on anything else. The only thing that could keep his mind calm and peaceful was..Archery.

He wore his training clothes and shoes and stood several meters away from the target. Keeping the bow in position, he stretched the string while holding onto the arrow. Closing one eye, taking a deep breath in,......focus.
Show me a way out of this chaos.


The arrow shot with lightening speed and such precision, making a satisfying sound when it hit the centre of the target causing him to smile a little. He could imagine Y/N hopping and clapping enthusiastically just the way she did when he showed his skills for the first time. Taehyung tried his best to keep his mind off her. The more he thought of her, the more he'll miss her.

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