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Warning: Mature scenes ahead.

Y/N's pov:

"What are you doing?" Startled by the sudden sound, I almost dropped the book in my hands. Quickly closing it, I put it back from where I picked it up and turned around. I felt like a criminal caught red handed in the act.

"Uhm-I- I just came to clean the room." I did come here with the intention to clean the room. I was successful in dusting half of the place when my eyes caught the sight of a book.
An Erotic Book.

I have never come across one. Wanting to know more about coitus, I began flipping through the pages. I wasn't even doing those things yet I felt the embarrassment as I flipped through the pages that I had to take a moment to process it all before going to the next one.

But the most important question was- what was a book like this doing in his room? Does he read this? He doesn't look like someone who likes to read such things....but how much do I know him anyway.

What explanation am I suppose to give now? That I was intrigued..

His eyes glanced at the book on the table and then back at me. Maybe he would be embarrassed about it and let this go...
Oh how wrong I was...

"You don't seem to be cleaning." He again tilted his head and crossed his arms. He came straight out of bath making the fragrance of sandalwood fill the air around us. Not to forget, he wore a sleeveless shirt making the muscles of his arms pop out more. I did not mean to stare but my eyes lingered for a bit longer than they were suppose to.

"I- I was keeping the book away." I scratched my temple, wanting to run out of the room.
This is what you get for giving in to such temptations Y/N.

"By opening it?" Did he sound amused? Or is it just my mind playing tricks on me? The way he was interrogating me and the way I obediently answered his questions was making me question myself. I can just defy him and leave the room without a care......yet I was glued to my spot willingly giving him answers.
Who'd believe that he is the guest in this house?

"No- I- Okay! I just wanted to take a look." I huffed in frustration. So what? He wasn't embarrassed about owning such a book so why should I be for taking a look?

He licked his lips." What did you see inside?"

What does he mean 'what did you see inside'? Obviously, I saw erotic sex positions, their traditional names and the best angles to increase fertilisation rate. I'll just pretend I did not see the other things that are not involved in actual copulation. Whats the point of doing those things anyway?

"What do you mean?"

His gaze lingered on me for a while before he came and sat on the bed, facing me. It was like we were repeating the entire scenario of yesterday, me standing infront of him as he manspread on the bed." Tell me what you saw inside."

I chuckled nervously. He is just messing with me..."What- you know whats inside. Why are you asking me?"

"I want to know your opinion on it." He quickly replied. Whats my opinion on this? Am I suppose to have one? Aren't all women just suppose to go through with it?

"I don't have an opinion." I did not want to sound gloomy.

"Then come up with one now." He shrugged his shoulders as if it wasn't a big deal. I stood like a statue staring at him. Is he being serious right now?

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