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Author's pov:

"You slapped me." the realisation dawned on him as uncertainty laced his voice.
"You slapped me!" The second time, his clueless expression changed into a hardened one. Lifting his eyes to glare at the woman who almost resembled a statue. Getting up from the chair, he charged towards her, making her snap out of her trance.

One step back for every step he took forward."I'm s-sorry. I had n-no intention to-"

"How dare you slap me?" his voice was calm but only a fool would ignore the underlying threat. Y/N's back hit a wall making her desperately fist the cloth of the dress she wore, heart rate spiked, breathing quickened.

"I apologize. I- I-I know I crossed the l-line but it was in the need of the moment-" she no more felt comfortable being alone with him, wishing for a miracle to happen that her father shows up.
Despite his neutral face, there was a flicker of anger in his eyes. His aura had changed.

"You needed to slap me!?" his palm slammed on the surface of the wall beside her head, making her flinch."From where did a woman get so much bravery to do something like that?" she knew what type of thinking men and even aristocratic women had for other women but for the first time in her life, someone was voicing it to her.
Women will always be objects and mere things with no other symbolisation than beauty and pleasure.

It angered her. She was the reason this man was standing on his two feet, yet he had the audacity to make her feel small. He didnt even say a mere 'thank you'.
Mustering any kind of courage, she stabilised her breathing.
"Y-you were under the influence of the venom and you kept asking for a break to rest. Yes! It was needed in that moment because our status as man and woman was too small for me to notice as your life was on the line. Had I not done it, you would have been dead by now!" Y/N couldn't help but grind her teeth together. Jungkook could feel the frustration in her words but it wasn't enough to calm his rage.
No one in his entire life had dared to lift a hand to slap him across the face. Not his father and certainly not his mother.
Despite understanding what she meant, he couldn't bring himself to calm down. It had hurt his ego that a woman slapped him.

"Are You trying to justify yourself?" his hand resting near her head balled up into a fist. His breathing flared. Y/N tried to back away but there was no way out. She yelped when his other hand gripped her arm."Are you dumb? Answer me!!" he growled into her face making her shut her eyes close. All the courage left her body.

"P- Please! Leave me." she tried to wiggle her arm out of his iron grip but couldn't. Her eyes began to sting with tears as his grip tightened. His eyes glanced down at her soft trembling lips.
Heavens! Is she about to cry?

"Leave me!! Or I'll go complain to the King!" his attention went back to her eyes which were now open and shining with glistening water.

"The king?"

"Unlike others maybe he'll listen to me than assume it was my fault cause I'm a woman!" she tried to threaten him and his grip on her arm loosened. She rubbed the irritated skin and quickly stepped away from him. He seemed to be frozen on his place. She hadn't realised it but she was trembling badly the entire time.

He turned to her on hearing a hiccup. She turned away to avoid eye contact and ran out of the room. He was in a daze and just followed her with his eyes. A weird burn set in his chest.
Am I feeling guilty now?

He looked up again when she returned. Holding her head low she slowly walked towards him." This tonic will relieve any pain you'll experience in the coming hours. Here, have it and please leave." she held the bottle out while he stared at her. He wished to speak but his mouth seemed to be sealed. She quickly retracted when he took a step forward.
"No! Please just take it and leave. I do not feel safe with you."

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