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Author's pov:

The wedding rituals were over and the gathering of people was given sweets and shawls before they made their way back to their daily life. The Shrine was emptied and a party was held in the castle where all the royals were assembled.

Everyone went to the newly wed couple and congratulated them. Jungkook and Y/N had to make small talk with almost everyone in the room. He was impressed how Y/N carried herself without getting nervous and intimidated by the presence of these riches. He admired her when she spoke with others with such grace.

"Are you alright?" Namjoon asked him for the third time. Taehyung looked pale but his stance was weirdly rigid, opposite to the jumpy person he was. This was his fifth drink of the evening and he still looked unfazed by it, like he could drink the entire bar and wouldn't stumble a bit.

He didn't reply to his elder brother and stared at the couple from the far end of the room. Namjoon noticed. "Shall we go and congratulate them?" His grip on the glass tightened, knuckles turning white. He noticed the way Jungkook looked at her, with stars in his eyes. He hated how that guy was openly able to do it while he couldn't.

Till today's morning, he had no hard feelings for Jungkook, instead there was an admiration but right now, no one in the world could hate him with such passion like he did.

He hated everything about him. The way he nodded his head, the way his hand would naturally find its way back to the small of her back, the way he would whisper something in her ear and she'd smile. The way he was breathing.

Y/N took a brief glance in all directions. She squinted her eyes trying to find a familiar person with jet black messy hair but her search had no results.
Where is he?

A small pout dawned on her lips as she sulked. What if he went back without a word? What if he was so hurt that he didn't want to talk to her anymore? She felt her heart clench at the thought of him hating on her. Taehyung was a core part of her life and she would rather choose to be cursed by him. He'd yell, he'd shout but when his anger would subside, she'd give him a tight hug and tell him she didn't mean to hurt him. She could never intentionally hurt him, that he was still precious to her.

She was sure he'd understand. They weren't just friends, they were soulmates. He would understand her without her saying a word. It was the same the other way around.

He also gave her a choice. He himself said he wouldn't feel bad if she said no. But Y/N too knew it, finding out about all this on his own and not her telling him would hurt him. She'll admit her mistake, she'll apologize till he forgives her, then things would go back to normal.

She couldn't wait to introduce Jungkook and Taehyung to each other, not as kings, one as her life force, the other as her soulmate.

"Whats troubling my wife?" A whisper near her ear brought her out of her trance. She giggled as his breath tickled her ear, feeling her stomach flip as he regarded her as his wife.

"Nothing." Jungkook pulled her closer to his side and stared at her. "What?" Y/N looked away from his intense gaze, getting flustered.

"I can't believe you're mine now." He gave a quick peck on her open neck, making her gasp.

"Behave. We're not-" the striking sound of a glass shattering made everyone in the room look in a certain direction.

Taehyung stood at the far end gripping the fragmented pieces of the glass in his hand, drawing out blood, his eyes directly on Y/N. He stood unfazed as the blood trickled down his palm to the floor, his eyes unblinking.

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