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Author's pov:

Yuki ran bare feet, trying to make as less noise as possible, controlling her ragged breath. What she just heard couldn't be true, she had to find out herself. But she couldn't afford to get caught. Taehyung was already becoming more and more unpredictable. She could no longer analyse him, couldn't  make out what could tick him off.

She didn't know why she was getting so anxious about all this. Not even one of Taehyung's decision affected her life in any way. She lived the same way she used to before everything changed in the castle. The only difference was the colder, heavy air lying stagnant in the walls and the regular sight of her father, the previous king, near her mother's bed. The only person she was emotionally attached to was her mother and it hurt to see her slowly withering away right before her eyes and not being able to do a thing about it. Everyone in the castle knew but no one ever said it out loud. The former queen is taking her last breaths.

Even at a time like this, Taehyung was choosing to prioritise a baseless war. He loved his mother, that Yuki could say without a doubt but why was he distancing himself from her? His visits to her reduced so abruptly, even the weak lady couldn't hide her sadness at the absence of her second born. But now her time was consumed by her husband, who most definitely was the happiest about the war break out. He has never been more proud of Taehyung.
Typical egoistic men, Yuki thought.

She stopped at the mouth of the underground passage, quickly holding onto the concrete wall to stabilise her ragged breath and to ease the burn in her calf. Most of the soldiers were not in their place and there was a commotion amongst the men in the cells. She contemplated going in. What if one of them tells Taehyung about her regular visits to the jail? How would he react? She wasn't doing anything wrong, so she didn't have anything to be scared of. Right? She didn't know what she was doing anyway and why she was doing it.

At first, she was intrigued by that man's words, then his personality, then just him. Even though, he drived her crazy by saying the simplest of the things, she couldn't help but come back here. She was curious and soon that curiosity changed into a subtle admiration. She gave her visits a reason- I don't have anything better to do anyway. But deep down she knew, she could be doing a lot of things that kept her mind off her family and title. She had been doing them ever since she gained some sort of maturity, which was before she even crossed ten years of age. She also couldn't forget, he was the first person to ever see through her. He might have used that as a way to trample on her self esteem but somewhere she was a little glad someone gave her enough attention to notice something so deep rooted.

She hissed when a stinging burn rushed through the pad of her foot. She looked down to see her feet dirty and irritatingly red making way for blisters. She couldn't help but frown at her own actions. Why was all this making her restless in the first place? Why was she reacting like this? But that soon passed as she quickly made way towards a particular cell remembering the conversation that had left her shook.

Her worry intensified when she found only Seokjin inside. Worry? I'm worried?
She frantically looked in all corners of the cell with a tiny hope he'd appear out of nowhere in a flash just like he did when they met for the first time. She was met with nothing but disappointment.
Her eyes soon dropped down on Seokjin who looked even more defeated than before if that was possible. This guy was hopeless, so hopeless that he counted days till someone killed him off.
"Where is he?" She inspected the other cells and noticed the reduce in number.

Was Taehyung really separating the Busan prisoners from the rest? She overheard Namjoon talk to the general and it instantly spiked a feeling of unease. She wasn't proud to admit it, but she felt a tinge of unease at the thought of not being able to see Hoseok again. The feeling was so consuming, she couldn't even think before her feet started running on their own.

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