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Y/N's pov:

Agreeing to his offer was like holding a double edged sword. I had no ideas or excuses to tell my father when he would ask me the reason behind Soobin's decision to help him. Telling him the truth won't make any difference. In this age and era, who'd believe a man is willing to do free labour to earn a woman's forgiveness. I could imagine father's blank face and a comical look in his eyes if I decided to stick to the truth. Or he would be serious about the situation and overthink of reasons, why this young man was trying to get close to his family.

It was a double edged sword because I didn't trust my thoughts around him. Ever since he apologized, I kept on replaying that moment in my head. I would find myself smiling to thoughts. While I was tending to his wound, I couldn't help but notice his hand shape and tightness of his muscles. The veins were popping out when he fisted his hand. I unknowingly gulped and prayed to my death, he didn't notice me being shameless. His palms were rough with fading blisters making me think about his occupation again. He said he was a traveller but how come travellers know how to use a sword. He definitely held a sword on day to day basis, I could make out that much. I spend too much time recalling the details about his hands and when I realise what I'm doing, I suddenly become a tomato.
And it isn't normal at all!!

He was ready to start working at that moment itself and kept on asking me to take him to the farm but I too was persistent. I could not let him work with a fresh injury. He should wait and rest till it heals.
But I had an idea that he wasn't going to listen to me.

I asked him to rest for a few days and come back to the shop when the injury is healed.

I knew he wouldn't listen to me.
He was proving me right, at the moment, by standing outside my house the very next day.

The laziness and sleepiness I felt was gone in an instant and replaced by complete shock when I opened the door. He sat on an elevated rock throwing stones on the sandy ground, still not noticing me. The empty jar in my hand almost slipped out of my grasp as I instantly shut the door. He must have noticed it now that I closed the door with a loud bang. Dropping the jar on the floor, I loosened my hair, lightly combing through it and again put it into a neat bun. Ironing my clothes with my hands, I tried to find any sort of crease. Finally content with my appearance, I took a deep breath before putting my hands on the knob to open the door.
My heart was beating too fast making me feel its throb throughout my body. Why am I so nervous?
Another deep breath and I opened the door.

I almost shrieked. He was closer than I thought. Right outside the door with a blank face, like a ghost ready to put me into a jumpscare. And he did.
"Oh my! You scared me." I huffed with a hand to my chest.
He stood tall, unapologetically.

"What are you doing here so early in the morning?" It was hardly a minute above seven am. Very few people are seen on the streets. I go to the dairy everyday to bring milk for preparing tea for father. He wouldn't get up without a morning boost of caffeine.

"I'm here to assist you."

"Its seven in the morning. Father doesn't start before eight. But I told you to come after your wound is completely healed. Why didn't you listen to my advise?"

"I'm fine. It doesn't hurt. If your father can't, you give me some work." His eyes landed on the disowned jar on the floor. Following his gaze, I quickly picked it up and hid it behind my back.

"No, that wasn't the agreement. You should stick to your-"

"Give me the jar."

"You need to stop ordering me, Soobin-shi." He speaks with such authority that I almost gave him the jar without a question.

"What- oh-yes! Soobin. Thats me." Did he just stammer? Never thought I'd see this stone have uncertainty in his voice.

He really doesn't take no for an answer. His parents must have raised him like that, listening to his every single demand and tantrum. When I refused that he couldn't go and fetch milk, he began walking alongside me.

I know I wasn't doing a crime but walking in close proximity of a man made me feel stares on me. Obviously, the ladies in my neighbourhood will find it odd to see a man that wasnt my father or brother beside me. The people of my neighbourhood will get something to talk about and taunt me with. I didn't want that. Feeling of isolation and constantly being questioned, I hadn't experienced it nor did I want to experience it for I know it must be horrible.
I walked two steps ahead of him but he would catch up shortly after.
Silently walking beside him was getting awkward now.

"May I ask something?"

"Hm, what is it?" I looked to my right to see his side profile. His features were soft and sharp at the same time. It made me want to take a closer look and see the details I couldn't catch till now.

"Can you tell me the situation of other villages? Especially the ones to the north west from here?" His question brought me back to reality.
Ah! He is a traveller. Of course, he'd be interested in knowing that.

"Sure, I can tell whatever I know." I smiled at him. He stared at my face a bit too long to make me feel conscious. Is there something on my face?" Do I have something on my face?" I frantically moved my hand across my face.

Shaking his head, he mumbled." Nothing." Then he looked away.

"Ahem, so....the neighbouring village, right to our west is connected with ours by a river and a bridge over it. That river is the main source of water to both the villages. The bridge is quite weak, so I haven't even made the efforts to go back there ever again. I think, the chiefs there practice overexploitation of bartar system and loan interests........"


Author's pov:

"Your majesty, your breakfast is ready. Please make your way to the dinning room." Mrs.Jeon looked up at the maid and then back at the window to her room. She hadn't even realised it the sun was up and she no longer needed the lamp's light to read the book she had been reading.

"I'll be there." The maid bowed and walked out of the room leaving the lady alone with her thoughts. She sighed before making her way out.

Her mood was normal or a better word to put it- plain, not bad, not good. It was a good start to go through the entire day but that instantly changed when she saw Jeon Soobin sitting on the table.

She felt a bitter taste on her tongue as her face turned into a scowl. No matter how many times she made it clear, this boy doesn't seem to get it.
He looked around the room and eyes got locked with her's. A smile spread across his face while her teeth clenched together harder. She could feel a sharp pain shooting up her jaw at the intensity.

He got up from his chair and neared her.
"Good morning, mother-"

"How many times have I told you- Do. Not. Call. Me. That." Her eyes shot daggers towards him but that smile on his face did not falter.

"You must be hungry. I had them prepare all your favorite dishes. Come sit." The teenage boy motioned her to sit on her chair.

The woman stood still on her spot staring at him, mocking him.
How come he has the audacity to act like that?

She motioned all the maids to leave the place instantly and they all quickly left the room. Soobin keenly stared at her with that darn softness in his eyes that she hated so much.

"Those eyes are a replica of 'his'."

"Do you like to get insulted by me? Or is it in your blood to defy the orders of the royalty just like that darn mother of your." She barked with venom and resentment spewing in each word.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. Just because Jungkook gave you a place in the palace and the title of 'Jeon' doesn't change the fact you're just an illegitimate child!!"


Author: Hi! So I know I haven't been regular but studies and practicals had me occupied. I can't promise but I'll try to be more consistent.
Hope you loved the chapter.☺️
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