Jie Jie X Dan Hua 2.

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Having seen Jie Jie had fainted, Dan Hua had no choice but to rush him to the clinic. Since he was new to the school he had to ask a few students where he could find one and eventually a student pointed him to the way and when he got there he opened the door like a crazy person would do.

There were some students in the room and when they saw Dan Hua they weren't really shocked by the sudden door opening. But one of them was shocked to see Dan Hua.

" Dan Hua?"

It was Rue Xuan. Rue Xuan was Dan Hua's Mom's friend's son. And also a close friend to Dan Hua. But just as Dan Hua was about to speak he realized Rue Xuan wasn't alone; he was there with a boy with blonde hair and golden eyes. The boy's hair was short and he looked like a kid. Dan Hua wondered what Rue Xuan would be doing following a kid around.

But Dan Hua soon realized Jie Jie was still on his back. He asked Rue Xuan. " Rue Xuan. Do you know where the nurse is?"

As he said that the nurse came into the room. " He fainted. Bring him to my office."

Dan Hua went over to the nurse's office and dropped Jie Jie there. He bowed his head to the nurse in respect and left the room.

He headed back to the reception where Rue Xuan and the blonde haired boy were still seated. And he sighed. " Schools are the worst. "

Rue Xuan glanced at Dan Hua and Dan Hua was feeling a little uncomfortable. " What is it?"

Rue Xuan couldn't hold it in anymore, he started laughing. " Ha! What the fuck is that new hair colour! Blonde is way better on you! But your glasses..Ha! They look horrible on you."

" Ya! Very funny."

Rue Xuan continued laughing but the blonde haired boy didn't laugh; he only stared at Rue Xuan indifferently.

" Ye! Ye! I know it's funny. Who's that kid next to ya!"

Rue Xuan tried to stop laughing and eventually the laughter subsided; he turned over to the blonde boy and then to Dan Hua. " Sai, I told you. You look like a kid. Do you ever grow?"

Sai, Dan Hua stared at Sai. He didn't think Rue Xuan followed weak people.

All the time he knew Rue Xuan. There was one thing Rue Xuan was known for and that was fighting. Rue Xuan's fists were made out of iron. One punch from him could send death straight to your doorstep. Also Rue Xuan always followed people with the same strength and physic as him but now Dan Hua was unsure if he knew Rue Xuan well.

Sai turned over to Dan Hua and asked. " What is your name?"

Dan Hua smiled. This guy was a real kid, he was just like Dan Hua's sisters. " Dan Hua."

Sai asked again. " Dan Hua...Hua like flower. "

" Ya. The character for Hua is flower."

Hearing this Sai smiled a little. " Dan Hua..Will you be my friend? "

Now Dan Hua was sure Sai was truly a kid but he sighed and said. " Sure. any friend of Rue Xuan is a friend of mine."

Just as they were talking the door flung open and a five foot tall guy came in. The guy walked over to Sai and checked his arm. " Why the hell did you fight a year eleven! Look at your arm now. What if he broke your arm huh!"

Year eleven?

The year elevens in their school were really tough. Most of them were delinquents, especially the boys, with scars on their bodies and tough skin. They were the scariest of delinquents.

Sai gave his brother a warm smile. " It's okay Li Chen.. I made sure to teach him a lesson. " Sai pointed to one of the clinic beds that was covered with a curtain.

Now Dan Hua was interested in seeing what was inside the curtain. Li Chen walked over to the bed and shifted the curtain and then he removed the bed sheet.

On Top of the bed was a scary looking boy, half of his teeth removed, his face smashed and one of his arms twisted and looked unrepairable.

At the sight of this Dan Hua turned over to look at Sai. He wasn't afraid from seeing the damage on the year eleven's body but he was astonished by how someone as innocent–looking and small as Sai would cause that much damage.

When Sai noticed Dan Hua staring at him he waved and called out to his brother. " Li Chen. This is Dan Hua. he is a friend of mine. So please watch over him for me."

Li Chen glared at Sai but he sighed and Said. " You have to watch over yourself. Even though you can fight, that doesn't mean you go around beating up your seniors. Especially the scary looking ones. Neither of us are in a gang so it won't be worth it.."

Before Li Chen finished Dan Hua had an idea. " What if we make a gang?"

Now everyone's eyes were on Dan Hua. A gang they all thought. They weren't strong enough to form a gang.

Since Dan Hua saw their unwillingness he decided to explain further. " We have Sai on our hands. The kid is a monster. And I am sure we can get other people to join. We can't keep on depending on other gangs if we want to fight. I don't know you guys..Well except for Rue Xuan. and you guys don't know me but if we form a team and agree that this is what we want then. We will surely be able to do it."

" Sai! Your new friend is great at speeches!"

Sai smiled. Dan Hua truly was.

After the nurse checked over Sai, they were free to go. Li Chen and Rue Xuan were still unsure about the whole gang idea but seeing Sai was really into it. They had no choice than to accept their fate. Because if Sai wanted something, he would do anything to get it.


Just a simple author note.. Dan Hua and Jing Hua have the same name Hua but they are actually different. When Sai asks if Dan Hua's Hua is flower. He is asking if Dan Hua's chinese character Hua means flower in english.

Dan Hua's name in chinese characters is written like this 丹花, the Hua in his name means flower.

But Jing Hua's name is written like this 荆画 and the Hua in her name means to draw/paint.

Anyway their name sounds alike in english but have different characters and pronunciations. I don't know why i wrote this but just decided to. Don't forget to vote and comment. 

I am going to cry now.

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