Jie Jie X Dan Hua.

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Even though Dan Hua had decided not to go to school, His mother somehow persuaded him and he ignorantly accepted it. The main reason why he accepted to go to the school wasn't because of his mom's continuous pressure but because the school was filled with delinquents. Especially delinquents with a nut loose. And since his mother's friend's son was going there Dan Hua thought it would be nice to go there. Maybe he could start afresh and maybe even join a gang instead of just being a random hoodlum. And so he agreed to follow.

But now he regretted it, he didn't think his mom was stylish and he didn't plan to come out looking like a nerd on his first day of school. His mom had dyed his hair from blonde to black, tied his messy hair and given him big round glasses that weren't even recommended. Just looking at the mirror Dan Hua wondered if the person in the mirror was him.

Even his sisters wondered if he was Dan Hua. But Dan Hua still went to school in his nerdy look as long as it made his mom happy.

The school wasn't really special. From what Dan Hua knew the school was named Peculiar high school. Even the name sounded funny to him. He walked into the school and ignored the eyes staring at him and the chuckles.

He just wanted the day to end so he could go home and remove his gigantic glasses.

The classes were really normal, there were different teachers and different classes. However there wasn't even a single fight in school and now Dan Hua just wanted to go home.

Just as they were having maths class the door swung open and a boy with black hair rushed in. The boy was wearing their school uniform, but he wasn't properly dressed. His tie was swung to a strange angle and his shirt wasn't tucked into his trousers but what was worse was his hair.

When last did he have a haircut?

The boy's hair reached up to his shoulders, it was rough and looked a little tangled and his eyes were hard to see because of his hair. His face was completely red and he somewhat looked drunk. He also looked tired like he had run all the way to school.

When the students saw the boy they averted their gazes and continued with their work while the teacher scolded. " Jie Jie why are you so late?"

Jie Jie, his name is strange.

Jie Jie tried to catch his breath, he bowed his head to his teacher and apologized. " Sir! I am sorry I was late, I just needed to..."

The teacher wasn't interested in hearing the boy's explanation. " Well then go and have your seat. You are going to be seated behind Dan Hua. " The teacher pointed to Dan Hua but Dan Hua only glared at Jie Jie and Jie Jie shivered.

" Yes sir."

After this class continued as usual and no one bothered to annoy the already annoyed teacher. Soon after the class finished and it was time for lunch. All the students left the class except for a few students, Jie Jie and Dan Hua.

Dan Hua was the selective type, he didn't enjoy trying new foods and only ate what his mom cooked for him. And so he wasn't bothered to even check what kinds of delicacies the cafeteria had. He only sat down and pretended to work.

As he was doing his homework, the rest of the students in the class left, leaving only Dan Hua and Jie Jie.

Dan Hua sighed. Since there was nobody there he could finally remove his tie. He dragged his tie and threw it away as he glared at it with disgust. That thing was the main cause of stress.

As he was glaring at the tie, there was suddenly a sniffing sound. It sounded like someone was crying and since there was no one in the room Dan Hua guessed the crying sound was from Jie Jie.

Dan Hua wasn't the type who was good at comforting people, he preferred violence rather than speeches and so on..But since Jie Jie continued crying he had no choice than to check on what was up with him.

He asked with rage. " Could you stop crying! It's really annoying."


Now Dan Hua had enough, he stood up from his chair and grabbed the boy's head and raised it up. But as he did that the boy opened his eyes and Dan Hua was shocked to the point that he was speechless.

The boy was drunk. His face was completely red and his brown eyes had gone somewhat dull. But apart from the boy's deteriorated hair and drunken face. He was somewhat cute to Dan Hua. Just as Dan Hua was staring at the boy while still holding his hair the boy cried. " It hurts."

Dan Hua let go of his hair and glanced at him.

The boy continued crying but Dan Hua was unsure of what to do so he asked. " Are you okay?"

Jie Jie raised his head. " No."

Dan Hua was unsure of what to do at that point so he got closer to the boy and hugged him. " Don't worry. Everything will be fine. " Dan Hua couldn't believe his own words but as long as the boy finally shut up that was all that mattered.

But before Dan Hua could let go of Jie Jie, Jie Jie dragged him and placed his lips on Dan Hua. Dan Hua was shaken to his feet.

What the fuck!

Jie Jie wasn't willing to let go, his drunk red face had gone redder than ever. And Dan Hua who didn't know anything was unsure of what to do at the moment. The boy become quiet  and since Dan Hua had comforted him he was proud of himself.

Suddenly Jie Jie let go of Dan Hua and slumped on the desk. When Dan Hua saw this he shouted. " Ah! He is dead...Is my breath that bad?"

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