Mo Wang 'Devil King'

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In no time Dan Hua became really close to Sai. He found out that Sai was somewhat like him; they liked the same things and they both enjoyed fighting. And with the forming of their new gang they had to decide a gang name. The gang already had seven members and these members were the founding members of their gang.

Sai, President.

Li Chen, Vice president.

Rue Xuan, First division captain.

Dan Hua, Second division captain.

Hao Yu, Third division captain.

Bo Cheng, Fourth Division captain.

Jia Wei, Fifth Division captain.

Although their gang was still really small. Their members were on another level, they were all strong and talented in different ways. But now they had to figure out a name for their gang.

Jia Wei," Maybe the crips."

Everyone glared at Jia Wei. They all had the same thoughts. What a stupid name.

Bo Cheng, who was eating, joined in. " What about the shadow lotus?"

Everyone seemed to like the name except for Dan Hua. " Na! What about Killer Dragons?"

" We are not an assassination Gang."

" Scarred Dragons?"

Neither of them seemed to agree on a specific name and they all had tried different names but nobody agreed. 

But then there was Sai. Sai hadn't said anything since they started fighting about names but since no one seemed to agree they decided to ask Sai.

" Sai, aren't you gonna say something? We are here battling about a gang name but all you are doing is eating your sundae. "

Sai stopped eating and stared at his friends indifferently before he said. " What about Mo Wang?"

Dan Hua was somewhat interested in the name." Mo Wang?"

Bo Cheng laughed at the name mockingly. " Mo Wang, Isn't that Demon King. That's just as stupid as the crips."

But even though Bo Cheng saw the name as ridiculous everyone else found the name quite outstanding and since none of them had any other ideas they all agreed that was the best name for their gang.

Li Chen complemented, " Mo Wang is actually pretty good. Something like the Demon King would send fear to our enemies. I agree with it."

Everyone else also agreed that the name was quite intriguing and before Bo Cheng knew it he also agreed to it.

" Mo Wang it is!"

They all continued eating and chatting until it was now time for them to head home. It was almost dark and in just an hour the sun would disappear.

Dan Hua needed to rush home to assist his mom and so he was the first person to head home.

Since he had no means of transportation he had to run home with his bare feet. He sped through the ride like an athlete until he finally reached his neighborhood. Once he was home he took in as much air as he could. But as he opened the door, he heard screams.

He knocked down his door and rushed into his house. Only to see a few men dragging his mother on the floor and trying to sexually assault her.

Dan Hua rushed over to stop the men but they only pushed him away like he was an ant.

Now Dan Hua was weak and helpless. After trying and trying again, the men still refused to let go of his mom but then he noticed one of the men had a wallet in his pocket. Dan Hua took the chance and rushed over to grab the man's wallet. When the man saw Dan Hua take his wallet he let go of the woman. And since he was the boss amongst the men the other men let go of the woman too and they ran after Dan Hua.

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