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The whole universe is divided into two relms. Human relms and inhuman relms.
Both of the creatures in the relms can't co-existing. Because human relm's have only normal people exits. They didn't have any powers. But the inhuman relm consisting of creatures with different powers and existence.

There are thick boundaries between two relms. The habitants can't pass this each other. If this boundary ever breaks it creates great chaos in both worlds.

The day, night, time, duration everything will be different each other. Even the people in both relms look similar they have different nature.

Human Relm

Human relm is the earth that normal people existing

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Human relm is the earth that normal people existing. They are normal human being including in different cultural and racial background. Their body features and languages will be change according to countries.

But humans are still trying to study about various relms and powers beyond their existence.

Inhuman Relm

The creatures other than humans are living in inhuman relm. They have special powers.

Each species live in each territory just like continents in planet earth. They have a royal family or a king as the ultimate power and others are the people under the authority.


Also known as 'Moonhowl'

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Also known as 'Moonhowl'. Wolf world are habitat of the warewolfs. The humans have the ability to shape shift into giant wolfs. They can be in full wolf form or half form. Their powers will be at peak in full moon days. They lived near forest areas that easy for be hunting.

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